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Information about printing theses

The Faculty of Dentistry uses Reprosentralen to publish doctoral theses.

Delivery requirements and invoice specifications

The manuscript should be submitted by the doctoral candidate directly to Reprosentralen as a single PDF-file. Reprosentralen sends the invoice for the obligatory copies of the thesis directly to the institute. If the doctoral candidate has ordered additional copies, the invoice is sent to the doctoral candidate separately.

Invoice specifications must be filled out on the requisition form, i.e. location code (“stedkode”), as well as accurate billing and delivery address.

The Faculty should receive the printed copies of the thesis no later than 2 weeks before public defence. The manuscript should therefore be submitted to Reprosentralen 4 weeks before public defence. Estimated time of delivery from the approved manuscript is submitted to Reprosentralen is 5 working days. Delivery time is delayed if the manuscript has not been made ready for printing. If test printing is requested, delivery time is delayed by 5 working days after approved test printing, i.e. 7 working days in total.

Covers and content

Doctoral theses at the University of Oslo (UiO) has book format 17x24 cm, which corresponds to approximately 81% of A4 size. The size of the font and illustrations are scaled down correspondingly.

UiO uses the same design for all their doctoral theses. It is not possible to make one’s own design covers. Title, name, degree, year and summary, however, are never the same. The content is designed in accordance to the candidate’s own wishes or in accordance to UiO’s template. Questions regarding layout of a thesis must be directed to the Faculty. This is especially important as regards any changes made after the manuscript has been handed in for evaluation.


Page 1 (right page). Title page is set up by the doctoral candidate, and should normally have no visible page number.  

Page 2 (left page). Colophon page (i.e. Copyright page is set up by Reprosentralen). The doctoral candidate sets up a blank page here.

Page 3. Layout varies as to the order of pages. The first pages before the actual thesis consist of different compilations of foreword, introduction, dedications, quotes and table of contents. The layout is up to each individual doctoral candidate.

It is a good idea to use the right and left hand pages in such a way that the thesis’ introduction looks well-ordered. Normally the right hand pages have odd numbers and the left hand pages have even numbers. The thesis should start on a right hand page (odd number). Remember that right set page numbers will come towards the gutter margin on left pages.

Separator sheets prior to each article start on the right hand side and should have a blank back page. Reprosentralen can add tabs of Roman or Arabic numerals on the separator sheets if required. A short summary/presentation of the thesis can be printed on the back cover of the thesis. The summary should consist of about 1200 characters including letter-spacing. Text to be used on the back cover should be handed in as word-file.

Submission of manuscript and file types

Reprosentralen wants PDF-files that are ready for printing. Additional costs will be billed if corrections or changes have to be made to a submitted manuscript.

PDF-files are made by using Adobe Acrobat. It is important that print files are made in Press Quality. Photos should not be compressed too much and fonts should be embedded. Colour images should be CMYK colour coded so as to render as true a copy of the original as possible.

Test print

A test print is important to ensure that the quality of the thesis as a whole is satisfactory and the photos are of good quality. Proofreading the manuscript is not possible. It should be noted that it is normally not possible to make any changes after a test print, i.e. change the order of pages, correct proofreading errors, photo editing etc. The doctoral candidate must therefore make sure that the submitted material is satisfactory. Extra work in connection with making changes after a test print will be billed the doctoral candidate, and a new test print will if necessary have to be made.

Electronic storage and reprints

Theses are generally electronically saved at Reprosentralen in case of reprint orders, but can be deleted if wished. Reprosentralen does not have any rights as regards any publication of theses, and doctoral candidates can decide whether they want to enter into an agreement with Reprosentralen or another publishing house if they are going to publish their theses in book form.  

Requisition form

Doctoral candidates must fill out a requisition form in order to have their theses printed at Reprosentralen. Theses are delivered by delivery vans and it is therefore important that the address is correct; the address should preferably include street name, street number, floor, hospital department, division etc. Questions regarding printing can be directed to Reprosentralen.  

DUO (Digital publications at the University of Oslo)

The agreement regarding publishing of theses does not include publishing in DUO. Publishing in DUO must be agreed upon seperately.

You have the possibility to publish your thesis electronically at UiO through DUO Research Archive.

DUO is UiO’s open institutional archive where employees and students can publish their work accessible online.

By publishing your thesis electronically in DUO you can as a researcher make your research findings easily accessible to colleagues. Your thesis will also be found easily through national and international search engines such as NORA and Google.

DUO and Reprosentralen work together on publishing doctoral theses electronically. Reprosentralen produces both the printed and electronic versions of your thesis, with no additional work for you to do. Reprosentralen guarantees that the electronic and printed versions are identical. When ordering printing of your thesis at Reprosentralen, you can at the same time order an electronic version. Reprosentralen is responsible for delivering the electronic version to DUO. 

If you wish to publish your thesis electronically, you must hand in a brief summary/abstract to Reprosentralenalong with the thesis. 

For more information

Research Advisor Natalia Andronova


Published Oct. 26, 2016 9:10 AM - Last modified Feb. 9, 2021 10:58 AM