UTFORSK- project

The UTFORSK Partnership Programme supports project cooperation between higher education institutions in Norway and higher education institutions in Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Africa.

The following project has been awarded to the Faculty of Dentistry , University of Oslo for it`s project cooperation with the University of the Western Cape, South-Africa (UWC):

  • Norway-South Africa Partnership in Capacity Development for Education and Clinical Research in Dentistry                                                                                Project coordinator: Alix Rosslyn Young Vik, Institute of Clinical Dentistry                     South Africa: University of the Western Cape

The project was on the list from DIKU (Directorate for Internationalization and Quality Development in Higher Education) with 17 projects that were awarded support, 5 of which were from the University of Oslo. DIKU received 49 applications.

The awarded funding was NOK 300,000.


Project progress and deviations

• PhD-student has completed a two weeks stay in Oslo- first incoming PhD-student from UWC (9th -20th December 2019)

• PhD-student has learned about the Norwegian public dental health service system by visiting dental clinics.

• PhD-student has learned about preventive strategies aimed at all children and at caries risk population

• The network in pediatric dentistry is expanded (staff at UiO and UWC) and participated in meetings and scientific discussions with the academic staff.

• Bachelor (BChD)- students have participated in clinical work both in 2019 (2 dental students) and 2020 (2 dental students), and followed the teaching given to “Master in Dentistry students”, 8th semester OD 4200. The planned stay was 2 months in 2019 and 3 months in 2020. However, the stay for the bachelor -students in 2020 was interrupted after three weeks by the corona situation.

• The dental students, Bachelor (BChD) students and “Master in Dentistry” students, have expanded their network in 2019 (March- April 2019 and February - March 2020)

• Internationalization at home happens when students, PhDs and staff from different universities and cultures meet. The BChD students (2019) have been informing the Master in Dentistry students about their home universities, and the incoming PhD has participated in staff meetings at UiO.

• The postgraduate candidates have expanded their network in Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery

• The postgraduate candidates have participated (31stMay- 30th August 2019) in clinical work within Maxillofacial and Oral surgery in the Oral Health Centre (Tygeberg, University of the Western Cape), and have participated in clinical work at Grote Schuur Hospital.

• The postgraduate candidates have seen many cases. They have seen procedures and treatments that they are not familiar with from before. The operations have also been very rewarding. After work in the theatre the postgraduates also joined the clinic for outpatient treatment.


You can also read about visit from the University of the Western Cape.


UFORSK projects at UiO.


Published May 7, 2020 12:39 PM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2022 3:48 PM