Use of extracellular vesicles and platelet lysate in regenerative medicine

Biomaterials hosts an open mini-seminar on the use of extracellular vesicles and platelet lysate in cell-free regenerative therapies and as cost-effective cell culture supplement.

In connection with Aman S Chahal's PhD defence, the Department of Biomaterials has invited both of Aman's opponents to hold a lecture related to their own research work.



Use of extracellular vesicles for cell-free regenerative medicine
Dr Joana M Ramis
University of the Balearic Islands, Spain

Image result for alvaro mata


Optimised production of human platelet lysate
Prof Ólafur E Sigurjónsson
Reykjavík University / Blóðbankinn, Iceland

Image result for christophe drouet


Published Jan. 27, 2020 12:37 PM - Last modified Mar. 11, 2024 4:25 PM