Patients as a part in clinical dental research.

Patients and other users, will now be a part in clinical dental research.

Vice dean for Research Ståle Petter Lyngstadaas (picture: Håkon Størmer, UiO/OD)

User involvement in health research are profound for anyone involved in clinical dental research, says vice dean for research Ståle Petter Lyngstadaas at The Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo.

This emerged in an article in The Norwegian Dental Association Journal.

The new rules means that each research project should include "users". That way, users can be involved in clinical research, both in the planning, implementation and how the results will be used. User interaction is not yet an absolute requirement, but projects without user must have a relevant reason.


The Research Council of Norway and health authorities will draw up guidelines for user interaction. Only when the  guidelines are in place, the Faculty can formulate their own instructions for how user are to be included in our clinical projects. It would also be natural to cooperate with the other dental groups in Norway, the University in Bergen and Tromsø, and the Regional Centers.

Published Feb. 13, 2015 9:39 AM