Visit from the University of the Western Cape

Tuesday 9th April the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Oslo welcomed a guest from their partner in Cape Town, South- Africa.

Dean at the Faculty of Dentistry, Professor Pål Barkvoll, together with dr. Nashreen Behardien from the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town

The Dean at the Faculty of Dentistry, Professor Pål Barkvoll, together with Dr. Nashreen Behardien from the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town.

Photo: Simen Øvergaard, The University of Oslo, Faculty of Dentistry

Dr. Nashreen Behardien holds the role as Head of the Department of Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery (Acting) at the University of the Western Cape (UWC).

Will exchange experiences

Dr. Behardien will be a guest at the Faculty of Dentistry (OD) until 10th May. On the program there are visits to several departments at the faculty. Dr. Behardien will meet lecturing staff involved in the five-year Master in Dentistry program. The main focus will be on the Department of Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine. Dr. Nashreen Behardien will get a tour of the facilities at both the Institute for Clinical Dentistry, the Institute for Oral Biology and the The Faculty’s Preclinical simulation centre. Nashreen Behardien will also attend seminars and meetings.

A presentation of the University of the Western Cape on 23rd April

Together with the three exchange- students from UWC (that are hosted by OD at the moment) Dr. Behardien will present UWC and research in “Auditorium 1” Wednesday 24. April at 12.10-13:00. The presentation is open for all.

The visit continues a good collaboration

In December, the Faculty of Dentistry was awarded funding from UTFORSK for it`s collaboration with the University of Western Cape. Two of the bachelor-students (dental students) from UWC have come as a result of this funding, and in 2020 two more will come. In May, two specialist candidates from the Department of Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine go to UWC on student- exchange, also funded by UTFORSK. In addition to this, the funding has made it possible for a PhD - candidate from UWC to visit the Department of Pedodontics and Behavioral Studies at OD in December this year.

Recently, two other representatives from the University of the Western Cape visited the Faculty of Dentistry; Professor Greta Geerts, Dean of Research, and lecturer, Dr. Sadika Khan.

And, as in the recent years, this Spring OD sent four Master in Dentistry- students on student-exchange (for three months) to UWC. The students have just written about it in the faculty`s Exchange- blog , "Utvekslingsbloggen".


By Kjersti E.Carlsen
Published Apr. 12, 2019 10:50 AM - Last modified May 11, 2020 9:52 AM