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International recognition for the Department of Periodontology

Doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Dentistry, Ole Klein, recently received a prestigious award at the renowned research competition IV Memorial Cattabriga Award at Sapienza University in Rome.


The award ceremony: Photo:pivate


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Ole Klein. Photo Smil Tannlegesenter

Ole Klein presented the results of his clinical study titled "Treatment of advanced periodontitis using an oscillating chitosan device with or without a chitosan lactic acid gel - A randomized parallel arm clinical trial." This study is part of the ongoing research efforts at the Department of Periodontology aimed at improving the treatment of advanced periodontitis, a severe gum disease that affects many people worldwide.


The research was conducted under the guidance of Caspar Wohlfahrt, Maria Balta, and Morten Enersen. Ole Klein competed against an impressive international group of researchers and managed to achieve a remarkable third place, along with an "Honorable Mention" for his work.


"This achievement underscores the quality and relevance of the research conducted at the Department of Periodontology , and we are proud of Ole Klein's accomplishments in this competition," says Research Dean Janne Elin Reseland, at the Faculty of Dentistry.

Published Feb. 5, 2024 12:38 PM - Last modified Feb. 5, 2024 12:38 PM