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Strategy 2030

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The Faculty of Dentistry aims to:

  • bring together all the dentistry sciences in an independent faculty. 
  • challenge, criticise and encourage the introduction of new perspectives, new knowledge and new solutions. 
  • be a leading dentistry research environment in Norway and internationally.
  • be an important provider of graduate-, dental specialist- and continuing education for dental health professionals. 
  • together with the other dental schools, set the political agenda in the field of dental health.
  • contribute to sustainable social development and the green shift. 

Sixty years of pioneering research have positioned the faculty as one of the leaders in dentistry in Europe. The research ranges from basic research, via translational research, to applied clinical and community medicine research. We train the dental health professionals of the future through profession-oriented graduate and dental specialist education. The University Dental Clinic is the faculty’s teaching and research hub, providing unique synergy opportunities.

The faculty has expert professional teaching staff, an excellent support team, and PhD candidates with a high level of skills. As a faculty, we cover the full range of subjects required to train dental health professionals. As a result, we comprise a large number of rather small, diverse academic communities. The fact that the faculty is spread over different geographical locations poses challenges with regard to internal cohesiveness. There is great potential to be tapped in fostering increased collaboration among the academic communities – both internally and externally, and a greater degree of co-location aims to make collaboration easier.

Over the next decade, the faculty aims to further consolidate its position as one of the best dental schools in Europe. The faculty aims to be a good workplace that attracts and retains the most highly qualified academics. The faculty aims to be the first choice for students of dentistry, with teaching that employs modern pedagogical principles based on innovative research. Our study programmes aim to be future-oriented and relevant to professional practice within a safe learning environment. The world is changing at an ever faster pace. Rapid technological advances, increased competition and higher standards challenge our ability and willingness to change. At the same time, we must meet stricter requirements for sustainable social development and the green shift. This means that the faculty must be organised in a way that supports the necessary developments and change.


The Faculty of Dentistry aims to promote independent, ground-breaking and long-term research

  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to develop good, robust, interdisciplinary research communities.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to foster broad research collaboration – internally within both the faculty and the University of Oslo, nationally, and internationally.
  • Through systematic career follow-up and a merit-based reward system, the Faculty of Dentistry aims to develop researchers and research groups for academia, civil society, and trade and industry. 
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to work systematically to promote the development and sharing of research infrastructure and data resources. 

The Faculty of Dentistry’s advantage is its potential for high-quality, patient-centred research, with a unique starting point for forging close ties between interdisciplinary, basic, translational and clinical research communities. 
The Faculty of Dentistry aims to build bridges across the conventional boundaries between the disciplines and bring together resources, equipment, procedures, and knowledge about oral health in order to fill the knowledge gaps between basic and clinical research, and between research and clinical practice. 
The Faculty of Dentistry aims to help researchers develop through systematic career follow-up. By providing a transparent and predictable framework, we will develop robust, leading research environments for academia, civil society, trade, and industry. 
The Faculty of Dentistry aims to work to provide all its researchers with a common platform, a common identity, and opportunities to shape common goals.
Through the sharing of infrastructure and data resources, the Faculty of Dentistry aims to enable knowledge exchange and collaboration across disciplines.

The Faculty of Dentistry aims to educate students with the knowledge, ability and willingness to create a better world

  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to be an outstanding educational institution that provides research-based teaching of a high international calibre.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to educate students who see their learning from a wider social perspective and lead the way in the green shift.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to bring education closer to research, strengthen its relevance to working life and increase the students’ awareness of their own competence.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to develop and update the programmes of study in line with society’s need for interdisciplinary knowledge.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to promote exploratory and innovative modes of learning that motivate students and help them become a resource to each other.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to employ learning methods and forms of assessment that activate the students’ knowledge and experience.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to offer research-based continuing and further education.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to operate the University Dental Clinic in accordance with modern principles for quality-assured operations.

The challenges currently facing society require global solutions, and the Faculty of Dentistry aims to contribute to international educational collaboration. Through strengthened collaboration with Nordic and European partners, the Faculty of Dentistry aims to reach out globally in new ways and with a greater collective impact. In partnership with other research-intensive dental schools, the Faculty of Dentistry aims to facilitate integrated courses of study across languages, national borders and subjects.

Based on a stronger link between research and education, the Faculty of Dentistry aims to continue to develop as an ambitious educational institution. Dentistry programmes aim to be more closely linked to research activities and working life, motivate students to work hard and get good grades, and provide them with opportunities to conduct research. 

The Faculty of Dentistry aims to continue to develop teaching and learning methods that stimulate ethical reflection, critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving ability. We will educate dental health professionals with competencies that are aligned with the changes in society and as relevant to working life as possible. The programmes of study aim to develop students’ sense of social responsibility and awareness of values and choices. Digitalisation aims to be an integral part of the faculty’s courses and learning processes. The students aim to be part of an academic and social community where they are a resource in the development of teaching and learning. 
The Faculty of Dentistry aims to have robust academic departments and stimulate knowledge and teaching across departments. Clinical teaching aims to have effective patient pathways and at all times offer dental treatment in accordance with the Directorate of Health’s guidelines and instructions for the dental profession.
An education from the Faculty of Dentistry lays the foundation for lifelong learning, and health professionals are able to return for academic updating. The Faculty of Dentistry responds to society’s needs for continuing and further education in disciplines where we have a particular advantage. 

The Faculty of Dentistry aims to strengthen its dialogue with the outside world and work to ensure that knowledge is put to use

  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to work to ensure that updated dentistry knowledge is available and visible in socially relevant dissemination arenas.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to work to highlight research in oral health and show how it relates to health and society in general.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to work to ensure that all people are given equal opportunities to maintain good oral health. 
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to exploit opportunities for increased interdisciplinarity by developing its campuses to enable the co-location of dentistry subjects and relevant academic communities.

The oral cavity is often overlooked in public health policy decisions. The Faculty of Dentistry aims to disseminate knowledge and promote a health service that provides equal rights for all and contributes to sustainable global development. The faculty aims to encourage and stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship that can provide a basis for improving services and meeting society’s needs. 
The Faculty of Dentistry aims to increase transparency in research results and dissemination of research results. In our dialogue with society, critical thinking in respect to methods, uncertainty and integrity aim to contribute to evidence-based development of health services related to the oral cavity. 
The Faculty of Dentistry aims to focus on knowledge building in all areas and professions in order to contribute to the prevention and treatment of oral health problems. 

The Faculty of Dentistry will be an innovative organisation and an attractive place of work and study

  • The Faculty of Dentistry will create a unique learning and working environment that fosters a sense of pride.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry will have a common identity that builds bridges across professions and internal organisational structures.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry aims to be an open organisation that is eager to learn and evolve – internally and in interaction with others, and we will actively use new technology and digital solutions.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry will have an efficient administrative support team that provides staff and students with effective help and contributes to attainment of goals in research, teaching, innovation and dissemination.
  • The Faculty of Dentistry will reduce its own climate footprint and help improve oral health globally.

An important goal for the Faculty of Dentistry is to gather the faculty at a single location. Co-location will be exploited to establish innovative arenas for interdisciplinary collaboration that also function as academic and social meeting places for students, staff and visitors.

The Faculty of Dentistry will be organised in a way that supports its goal of being a powerhouse for dentistry that helps create a common identity across professional boundaries and internal organisational structures. We will nurture a strong identity as a faculty, at the same time as we recognise that we are part of and actively contribute to the University of Oslo and the dentistry professions – nationally and internationally. We will continue to build on the faculty’s combined expertise and create a stimulating, future-oriented working and learning environment for our staff and students, using new technology and digital solutions.

The Faculty of Dentistry is proud to be a highly diverse organisation. We will continue to build on this diversity to develop the organisation in accordance with developments in society. We will work to be an open and inclusive community for students and staff, characterised by curiosity, broad collaboration and good management.

The Faculty of Dentistry aims to strengthen the administrative support within the organisation through streamlining and good learning and development processes, as well as better coordination and clear division of responsibilities among the administration, the departments, and the faculty management.

The Faculty of Dentistry is strongly committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We will aim to reduce the faculty’s climate footprint and take steps to enable staff and students to make climate-friendly choices. There is a shortage of good dental services in many parts of the world. The Faculty of Dentistry aims to enable staff and students to get involved in work to improve oral health globally.