International Symposium on Future Medical Imaging with Nanoscale Computer Tomography

The purpose of this International Symposium is to demonstrate the three-dimensional x-ray imaging capabilities, bringing a completely new dimension to 3D scans, and enabling a more detailed look into the 3D structure of biological tissues and tissue-material interfaces.   







Opening of Seminar

Jan Eirik Ellingsen

Faculty of  Dentistry University of Oslo, Norway


Strategy to soft tissue interaction with NanoCT

Liebert Nogueira

Oral Research Lab, University of Oslo, Norway


Use of micro-CT in osteoarthritis Research”

Simo Saarakkala

Department of Medical Technology, Institute of Biomedicine University of Oulu, Finland


Coffee break




X-ray Phase contrast imaging for a better understanding of osteoarticular diseases

Emmanuel Brun

ESRF/ INSERM, Grenoble,                          France


X-ray microscopy for comparative zoology, 3D histopathology, and human embryology

Brian Metscher

Department of Theoretical Biology, University of Vienna,                                   Austria






Practical demonstrations NanoCT /Lab visit

Liebert Nogueira

Faculty of  Dentistry University of Oslo, Norway

The seminar is sponsored by Research Council Norway (Grant no. 283055) Program Nano2021 and Faculty of Dentistry, UiO.





The Symposium is free, but registration is required and closes on January 26. Please register here:




Liebert Parreiras Nogueira

  • Senior Engineer, Oral Research Laboratory, Faculty of Dentistry. University of Oslo, Norway
  • Education : Ph.D in Nuclear Engineer, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Professional activities: Scientist in charge of the x-ray imaging at the Oral Research Laboratory


Simo Jaakko Saarakkala

  • Associate Professor Research Unit of Medical Imaging, Physics and Technology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu, Finland
  • Education: Ph.D. in Medical Physics, University of Kuopio, Finland.
  • Professional activities:
    • Associate Professor (Biomedical Engineering) at the Faculty of Medicine (University of Oulu)
    • Finnish Academy Research fellow at the Faculty of Medicine (University of Oulu)
    • ERC Starting Grantee, Research Unit of Medical Imaging, Physics and Technology, University of Oulu, Finland

Emmanuel Brun

  • Researcher at Inserm, Université de Grenoble Alpes, France
  • Education: Ph.D in image analysis
  • Professional activities
  • Synchrotron Radiation and Medical Research team Visitor Scientist at ESRF
  • Researcher at Inserm

Brian D. Metscher

  • Senior Scientist. Department of Theoretical Biology, University of Vienna
  • Education: Ph.D  in Biological Sciences, Pasadena, USA
  • Professional activities: Interdisciplinary imaging scientist, evolutionary developmental biologist, specialist in biological and biomedical applications of x-ray microtomography.






Published Jan. 19, 2018 11:18 AM - Last modified Nov. 11, 2021 10:22 AM