Funding Opportunities - Page 9


The Research Council of Norway (RCN) has pre-announced call for Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal.

Link to the call


The Aasgaard Mobility Programme support mobility and bilateral collaboration between Norwegian and French institutions. 

Link to the call


The Åsgard Mobility Programme support mobility and bilateral collaboration between Norwegian and French institutions.

Link to the call


The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science's (JSPS) mobility programme has announced two fellowships for postdoctoral researchers.

Link to the call


Circle U. has announced funding for collaborative projects to shape the future of the alliance.

Link to the call


The MSCA Doctoral Networks funds 10-15 PhDs through partnerships of different institutions, sectors and countries across Europe and beyond.

Link to the call


The Osteology Foundation aims to support clinical research in the field of oral tissue regeneration, to bridge the gap between scientific progress and clinical practice for the benefit of the patient.

Link to the call


Do you have an idea for a new solution or technology with innovation potential, but need help to take the next steps? Apply for UiO:Life Science’s two-year innovation programme SPARK Norway.

Link to the call


Nordforsk has published a call for pre-proposals on Nordic University Cooperation. The call is open to all themes and disciplines. 

Link to the call


COST Actions are networking instrument for researchers, engineers and scholars to cooperate and coordinate nationally funded research activities. COST Actions researchers to jointly develop their own ideas in any science and technology field. 

Link to the Call