Circle U. Sandpit 2023 - Call for Proposal for two-days Residential Workshops

Circle U. Sandpits is offering an exciting opportunity to gather junior and senior researchers and Ph.D. students from Circle U. partner universities as well as stakeholders beyond academia.

Link to the call

The Circle U. Sandpits offer an innovative tool to foster interdisciplinarity and to connect internal and external stakeholders. Participants may be junior or senior researchers and Ph.D. students, and stakeholders outside academia, including Circle U. associated partners that will gather in a 2 two-day workshops.

  • The first workshop will gather internal and external stakeholders in a residential workshop (called “Sandpit”) in order to encourage the emergence of interdisciplinary projects related to the Circle U. Knowledge Hubs (Global Health). 
  • The second workshop will then be organized to develop and support the most promising ideas that have emerged to turn them into concrete project proposals to be submitted to external funding bodies.


The Sandpits are open to junior and senior researchers and Ph.D. students, as well as to stakeholders beyond academia, including Circle U. associated partners. There are no research area, age, career stages, or nationality restrictions.

Selection Criteria

The applications will be evaluated and selected by a multidisciplinary panel comprised of Circle U. members. If the number of applications from certain universities outstrips available places in the Sandpits, these universities may operate a preliminary selection with respect to the diversity of applicant profiles, gender, disciplinary and academic age balance. Up to 3 researchers per Circle U. university will be thus selected to participate in the Sandpit activities. 

All the costs related to the participation in the Sandpits (travel, accommodation, and subsistence) will be covered by the Circle U. Alliance. 

Published Mar. 21, 2023 11:49 AM - Last modified Mar. 21, 2023 11:49 AM