COST Actions: Join newly established researcher networks

New COST networks within Medicine and Health were selected in March 2020. Norwegian researchers may apply to join them, contacting the Research Council of Norway preferably by 24 April 2020, but later applications are also possible.

Link to the call

What is COST?

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) provides exciting opportunities for cooperation and networking on an European level!

  • One of the longest-running European frameworks
  • Supports cooperation among scientists and researchers across Europe
  • Does not fund research itself, but provides funding for network activities
  • Researchers participating in an action, collaborate and contribute with their nationally funded research

About 40 new actions (networks) are funded every year.

The first year of a new action, researchers from countries that have not been included in the planning of the new action, can apply to participate.

New actions (networks)

The following actions with relevance to health and medical research are now open for participation:

Full title Acronym 
New COST Actions
Determinants of Physical Activities in Settings CA19101

Advancing Social inclusion through Technology and Empowerment  

LipidNET- Pan-European Network in Lipidomics and Epilipidomics CA19105 
Multi-Sectoral Responses to Child Abuse and Neglect in Europe: Incidence and Trends CA19106
Multi-Sectoral Responses to Child Abuse and Neglect in Europe: Incidence and Trends CA19106
The European Researchers' Network Working on Second Victims CA19113

Network for Optimized Astatine labelled Radiopharmaceuticals


Network for blood pressure research in children and adolescents

Researcher Mental Health CA19117

Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living

Cognitive decline in Nephro-Neurology: European Cooperative Target CA19127
European Network to Advance Best practices & technology on medication adherence CA19132

Fostering and Strengthening Approaches to Reducing Coercion in European Mental Health Services


International Interdisciplinary Network on Health and Wellbeing in an Age-friendly Digital World

Sudden cardiac arrest prediction and resuscitation network: Improving the quality of care CA19137
Lobular Breast Cancer: Discovery Science, Translational Goals, Clinical Impact CA19138
European Venom Network CA19144

Pdf overview over new actions

COST actions provides exciting opportunities for cooperation and networking on an European level!

Researchers participating in an action, collaborate and contribute with their nationally funded research.

How to participate

If you want more information or wish to participate, please contact Hans Hellebostad in The Research Council of Norway (RCN).

Application form to join new COST Actions

Deadline for expression of interest to RCN is 24 April 2020, but it is also possible to apply later.


Published Apr. 6, 2020 12:11 AM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2021 2:39 PM