Osteology Researcher Grants

Funding research into all aspects of oral tissue regeneration is a core task of the Osteology Foundation. Clinicians and basic scientists can apply twice a year for research grants for their projects. 

Link to the calls

Clinicians and basic scientists can apply twice a year for research grants for their projects. The Osteology Foundation offers, besides its established Advanced Researcher Grants, a program for young researchers, the Young Researcher Grants, to promote their academic careers.

Study types and topics

The Osteology Foundation funds clinical and translational research. “Translational” refers here to pre-clinical and/or in vitro research that links basic findings from laboratory work to clinical science. 
Financial support may be granted for in vitro studies that take clinical findings and/or community needs back to the laboratory bench to create innovative research hypotheses, driving new discoveries.

Research topics falling within the scope of the Osteology Foundation:

  1. - Hard and soft tissue biology: clinical aspects
  2. - Novel bone and soft tissue substitute materials
  3. - Local factors affecting oral tissue regeneration
  4. - Systemic diseases with an impact on oral tissue regeneration
  5. - Pharmacological aspects of oral tissue regeneration
  6. - Inflammatory conditions, e.g. periodontitis or peri-implantitis

The application process consists of two stages.

Stage 1

Applicants can submit an abstract of their proposed project by 15 June and 1 December. The Science Committee of the Osteology Foundation selects projects which then progress to the second stage.

Stage 2

Applicants are invited to submit their full application. Submission deadlines are 15 October and 15 April.

Published Nov. 29, 2020 6:43 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2020 6:43 PM