Senior Researchers - Page 5


Nordforsk has published a call for pre-proposals on Nordic University Cooperation. The call is open to all themes and disciplines. 

Link to the call


COST Actions are networking instrument for researchers, engineers and scholars to cooperate and coordinate nationally funded research activities. COST Actions researchers to jointly develop their own ideas in any science and technology field. 

Link to the Call


Gemini Center aims to foster strategic collaboration between professional groups at NTNU, SINTEF, the University of Oslo, St. Olav's Hospital, and NTNU Social Research.

Link to the call


To support the development of strong and strategic research and innovation partnerships between Nordic and Chinese universities, the Nordic Centre is launching planning grants.

Link to the call


Twice a year, the ITI Foundation supports preclinical and clinical research in implant dentistry and related fields. 

Deadlines:  31 August and 27 February

Link to the call


The Global Health European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership 3 has published several funding calls.

Link to the calls below


Familien Blix fond supports medical research, particularly within cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Link to the call


JPIAMR will launch a transnational network call within the framework of the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION in 2022.

Link to the call


The call aims to provide research-based knowledge for the development of policies and strategies for handling the societal security consequences of an antimicrobial resistance crisis across sectors and the Nordics.

Link to the call


The overarching theme of the call is to explore the medium to long-term consequences beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

Link to the call


This call aims to fund research addressing non-communicable diseases (NCD) risk factors through interventions that reduce risk and/or enhance health and lifestyle behaviors in young people, or in other critical life stages.

Link to the call


The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education has announced a call for new Centres of Excellent Education.

Link to the call


The UTFORSK programme supports the establishment of long-term partnerships between Norway and Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, and the USA.

Link to the call


The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education supports authors to write academic textbooks in Norwegian.

Link to the call


Funding call for partnerships with Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, China, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, the USA, Germany and France. 

Link to the call