International Team for Implantology Foundation grants

Twice a year, the ITI Foundation supports preclinical and clinical research in implant dentistry and related fields. 

Deadlines:  31 August and 27 February

Link to the call

Priority research areas 2021-2023

A portion of the annual ITI research funds is allocated to applications in specific areas of interest defined by the ITI Research Committee. Applications are also welcome for research into implant-dentistry-related areas that do not fall within the four priority research topics.

  • Best practice treatment protocols and workflows
  • Innovative regenerative strategies/Personalized medicine
  • Peri-implant health and disease
  • Big data and PROMs in implant dentistry

How to Apply

To apply for an ITI Research grant you must create a free ITI Research user account. The application process is fully online.

Application review criteria

  • Relevance to current clinical issues in implant dentistry
  • The originality of the hypothesis
  • Suitability of methodology proposed
  • Experience of the applying researchers/academic affiliation and research conditions/environment
  • Transparent and realistically formulated budget
Published May 3, 2020 9:27 PM - Last modified Feb. 14, 2022 8:35 PM