AAL Call on Health

The Active and Assisted Living (AAL) has announced a call for proposals for Advancing Inclusive Health & Care Solutions for Ageing Well in the New Decade.

Link to the call


The aim of the call is to support innovative, transnational, and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects.

While keeping an open call approach (i.e open to all 8 AAL application areas), Call 2021 would like to stress three elements, namely an inclusive health & care approach (health prevention, preservation of physical & mental health, social participation), the stimulation and upscaling of innovation in active and healthy ageing through health and care eco-systems and the accessibility of digital solutions to end-users, e.g through education for greater e-literacy.

Norwegian Contact Point

Norwegian partners in AAL consortiums should contact the Norwegian AAL National Contact Point (NCP) before submitting a proposal. The list of contact points can be found here. 

Collaborative projects

  • Collaborative projects (carried out by consortia composed of at least 3 organizations from 3 different countries including an end-user organization and a business partner) will remain the main funding tool for this call. This type of projects has a duration of 12 - 30 months with a maximum funding of €2.500.000.

Small Collaborative projects

  • Small collaborative projects have a duration of 6 - 9 months, the same central eligibility criteria as the Collaborative projects, a maximum co-funding budget of €300.000 and leaner application and reporting procedures. 

Information for applicants for SCPs: Due to the nature of Small collaborative Projects (meant to be lean, agile, exploratory and short in time) clinical studies and lengthy/intensive trials are not to be considered for this type of instrument.

For more information

Call 2021 AAL

Published Feb. 21, 2021 7:34 PM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2021 7:34 PM