Centres for Excellent Education

The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education has announced a call for new Centres of Excellent Education.

Link to the call

The purpose

The Centre for Excellent Education (SFU) grant is awarded for five years with a possibility to prolong the centre status for an additional five years.

A prerequisite for being awarded centre status is that the institution can document education excellence and demonstrate plans for innovation and further development of their educational excellence. There are currently four SFUs hosted at UiO, and UiO is a partner in a fifth SFU.


Applicants may apply for up to NOK 8 Million per year for five years.  It is expected that the host institution and partners contribute with substantial own funding. 

How to apply

Additional information about the call can be found on the Diku website.

The call's document with more details.



Published Jan. 26, 2022 5:49 PM - Last modified Oct. 13, 2023 4:01 PM