EP PerMed - Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches

The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) has announced a call on Identification or Validation of Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches (PMTargets). 

Link to the call

The grant

The core of each application must be the identification or validation of a target for personalised medicine approaches in combination with companion biomarker research. In addition, the consortia can address accompanying research if this is necessary for the identification or validation of the target and if appropriate to the development status of the project.

Depending on the development phase of the research, projects can focus on the following stages

  • Stage 1: Identification of novel targets for the development of a concrete and feasible PM approach, based on a clearly circumscribed biological/clinical hypothesis, in combination with companion biomarker research. Applicants are advised to use existing clinical data as a basis for target identification.
  • Stage 2: Development or validation of already known but not yet established targets for a PM approach, in combination with accompanying biomarker research. This includes target validation in vitro and in animal models (proof-of-principle studies), early pharmacological and toxicity tests and, if feasible, exploratory clinical studies to demonstrate clinical applicability (proof-of-concept studies).


  • Each consortium must involve at least three partners from three different EU Member States or Associated Countries.
  • Max. 2 project partners per consortium can request funding from the same funding organisation
  • The maximum number of eligible partners is six at the pre-proposal stage
  • The number of partners can be increased at the full-proposal phase provided some conditions are fullfilled
  • No more than two eligible partners from the same country participating in the call will be accepted within one consortium.


The project duration should be 36 months. Project partners will be funded by their relevant national/regional funding organisation. Norwegian participants are funded by the Research Council of Norway. Eligible costs and funding rules vary between the respective funding organisations.

The maximum contribution to a Norwegian partner is 300.000 euro. The maximum contribution if the Norwegian institution is the coordinator is 400.000 euro. 


2 January, 2024 Publication of the call
15 January, 2024 JTC2024 information day
5 March, 2024 Deadline for pre-proposal submission
20 May, 2024 Results of pre-proposal
Mid August, 2024 Rebuttal stage
October 2024 Communication of the funding decisions to the applicants
December 2024 – Early 2025 Expected project start (subject to national procedures)

More information

Consult the following websites and resources for additional information.

Published Jan. 15, 2024 2:12 PM - Last modified May 6, 2024 10:33 AM