Extraordinary Idea Competition

Inven2 is now hosting an extraordinary idea competition due to the ongoing pandemic. Are you a student or employee of the University of Oslo and have a good idea for an innovative product or service? Then you can join the Idea Prize and win NOK 100,000, advice and help to take the idea further into the market.

Link to the call

In light of today's coronary pandemic, we particularly want to come up with ideas that can help solve the new challenges society faces.

The application deadline is April 20th and the three most innovative ideas will be announced by a professional jury consisting of the innovation team at Inven2.

The prize money is a total of NOK 150,000. The winners will be announced online by the end of April.

For more information please follow the webpage.

Published Apr. 9, 2020 9:10 PM - Last modified Jan. 3, 2024 1:02 PM