Increased job relevance in higher education

Diku's funding call for up to NOK 40 million for projects that lead to increased work relevance in education, strengthen student learning and meet the needs of working life. Deadline 23rd Sept. 2020

Link to the call

What can you apply for?

The funds are highlighted for initiatives where university institutions and companies and / or public enterprises collaborate on projects that increase their relevance in education, strengthen students' learning and meet the needs of working life. Awarded projects are innovative, ambitious and have the potential to be role models in the sector.

The scheme supports projects such as:

  • Projects that develop and tries out new ways of promoting work relevance in education through new learning and assessment forms and learning arenas
  • Develops and tests measures to promote systematic knowledge flow and cooperation between the education sector and business and industry
  • Promotes multidisciplinary collaboration skills and innovative skills for academic staff, students and business staff
  • Develops knowledge and competence related to the design and implementation of learning and assessment forms and learning arenas that lead to increased relevance in education
  • Documents, shares and disseminates new knowledge, practices and experiences with transfer value to other study programs and educational institutions, as well as actors in business and industry

Projects can target different learning styles or learning arenas that promote relevance and good learning, such as developing new or existing educational offerings, developing generic skills, practices, entrepreneurship, employing work skills in education, student contributions to business processes, interdisciplinary joint projects. with working life and the like.

All projects shall lead to research-based knowledge of increased work relevance, knowledge flow and students' learning based on testing and evaluation during the project period.

More information on the call here.

Published May 27, 2020 1:33 PM - Last modified Oct. 13, 2023 4:02 PM