RCN - Convergence projects for enabling technologies

The Research Council of Norway has pre-announced calls for projects on technology convergence. 

Link to the call - see below

The RCN has two calls planned on technology convergence; researcher projects and collaborative projects. The aim is to develop radical new technologies across the new enabling technologies. Enabling technologies include for instance ICT, nanotechnology, and biotechnology. Projects may have a high risk -  high gain profile and should be ambitious.

An applicant is only allowed to be the project manager for one of these calls. 


Researcher project

The project duration must be 48-72 months. Funding grant size NOK 12 - 20 Million.

Relevant societal actors should be consulted and/or included in the project. Research on ethical, societal, and political dimensions as a result of the developed technology can be included. 

Collaborative projects

The project duration must be 36-60 months. Funding grant size NOK 12 - 20 Million.

The project must include a committing collaboration with non-academic or non-research institution actors, e.g. public sector, industry, NGOs. A minimum of two collaborating partners that are not research organizations must participate, and their contribution should amount to at least 10 % of project costs. 

How to Apply 

Visit the RCN web page for more information on the calls. Currently, calls are only available in Norwegian.

Published June 17, 2021 10:24 PM - Last modified June 17, 2021 10:24 PM