Research School for Quality and Relevance

The Research Council wish to support projects that increase doctoral degree programmes’ relevance to the labour market. The goal is to improve collaboration between academia and other social actors through researcher training. 

Link to the call


RCN encourages applicants to develop and use new methods and approaches to that end, in collaboration with one or more partners in industry, the public sector, and/or organizations. 

About the call for proposals

The Research Council of Norway aims to start up to 13 new research schools in 2022.

This is what is known as a joint call with co-funding from several funding schemes.

If the applicant believes that the application is relevant to both the open call and one or more of the thematic calls, can select several topics. The applicant can decide this in the application form. Please remember to describe the application’s relevance to the topic in the project description.

Who can participate in the project?

  • universities and university colleges
  • foreign universities
  • institutes
  • private companies and organizations
  • the state and/or municipal sector

Funding available

  • Maximum of NOK 16 million distributed over an eight-year period per project.
  • All research schools will be subject to a mid-term evaluation. The funding for the last three years will be decided on the basis of the outcome of the mid-term evaluation.

Amount of funding presumed available for this call for proposals: NOK 208 000 000

Project duration: 96 months

Published Sep. 6, 2021 11:45 AM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2021 11:45 AM