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Educational component

The educational component is compulsory for all candidates on the PhD programme, and must correspond to at least 30 credits.

Completing the educational component

The educational component, also known as training component, can be taken on a rolling basis, but most of it should be taken during the first year of the admission period. It consists of a compulsory 10-credit part and an elective 20-credit part.

Compulsory PhD courses

The compulsory part of the educational component consists of 10 credits.

Candidates working on research projects involving animal testing are required to attend a mandatory course in laboratory animal science based upon FELASA C requirements.

Elective component

The elective component consists of 20 credits.

  • A minimum of 15 credits must consist of PhD courses at a Norwegian or international education institution.
  • Specialisation in medicine is approved as a 5-credit PhD course. You can only have one specialty approved.
  • Up to 5 credits can be taken as other activities than PhD courses.

Approval of external courses

A minimum of 15 credits must consist of PhD courses at a Norwegian or international education institution. PhD-level courses from an education institution which give credits/ECTS can be approved as part of the educational component.

You have to apply to have international or Norwegian PhD courses approved if they are not given credits/ECTS. The following attachments must be enclosed with your application:

  • Confirmation of course duration (i.e. number of hours course lasted). If relevant, confirmation of number of hours of preparation before course started/course literature and confirmation of exam (i.e. number of hours an exam lasted as well as any preparations before an exam).
  • If relevant, confirmation of presentation - poster or oral presentation.
  • Web address to the course.

Courses cannot be approved as part of the educational component if the above mentioned documentation is not enclosed.

Credit points equal the ECTS grading scale (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). 1 credit = 1 ECTS= 25-30 hours.

How to apply for approval of the educational Component

You should apply to have your educational component approved as soon as it is deemed completed according to the faculty’s rules.

You will receive a formal letter of approval after the educational component has been approved.

Content of application

  • Application form for approval of educational component. List the courses you wish to have approved in order of priority. You will not be given credits beyond the requirement of 30 credits.
  • Documentation of each component in the form of diplomas, course certificates and confirmations must be enclosed. Confirmation of courses registered in the University’s StudentWeb is not necessary.
  • Participation in conferences can be approved by sending in the front page of the conference programme with the name and date of the conference as well as page with title of your presentation - poster or oral presentation.

Requirements for approval

  • Elements that are to be recognised as part of the educational component may not have been completed more than 2 years prior to the date of admission to the PhD programme.
  • At least 20 credits must be obtained after admission to the programme.
  • Application for approval of educational component should be submitted when you have achieved 30 credits.
  • External courses and other activities will not be preapproved.

Send your application by email

Published July 30, 2015 7:35 PM - Last modified Feb. 18, 2021 1:03 PM