Norwegian version of this page

Preparations for the trial lecture and disputation

Prior to the trial lecture and disputation you must book a venue, submit two summaries and a personal data form to your executive officer, and the thesis must be printed.

Venue booking

Your executive officer at the faculty will book the venue.

You must ensure that technical assistance is available at the specified times for the trial lecture and disputation. In addition you have to check that the technical equipment works as it should.

Personal details and summaries

Before the disputation, you must submit:

  • a completed personal data form
  • a photo of yourself
  • two summaries – a popular scientific summary in Norwegian which among other things will be used to announce your disputation, and a summary in English of your research.

The forms will be sent to you by email well in advance of the disputation. The completed forms must be returned to your executive officer at least three weeks before the disputation.

Requisition form

When the dean has approved the recommendation, your executive officer will send you a requisition form for printing. Complete and sign part 1 before you return the form to your executive officer by email.


Published July 21, 2015 6:43 PM - Last modified Jan. 24, 2022 1:23 PM