Specialist training

We offer specialist training in: Endodontics, oral and maxillofacial radiology, orthodontics, oral surgery and oral medicine, oral prosthetics, pedodontics, periodontics and further education in oral pathology.

Illustrasjonsfoto: Colourbox.no

The duration of the programmes

The duration of the programmes is three years, with the exception of oral surgery and oral medicine, which last five years. The nominal length of study for the programmes is 40 weeks of teaching per year. For some of the programme options clinical activities conducted outside the faculty are included in the nominal length of study. On completion of the training, candidates take an examination and are awarded a diploma for completion of a specialist programme in the relevant subject area.

In addition to a small introductory package for new candidates every autumn, a course in the core curriculum is provided which must be completed by all candidates, regardless of discipline. The core curriculum also contains two components, with Part 1 given in the autumn semester and Part 2 given in the spring semester. These courses are given every other year.

Thereafter, so-called faculty-based courses are offered, which are arranged by the faculty. The individual courses may be compulsory for candidates in certain programmes but are open to everyone, subject to place availability. These are also arranged every other year, during the semesters where no core curriculum courses are held.

Finally, department-based courses are offered, which are arranged by the department responsible for the specialist programme and are compulsory for respective department's candidates.


The admission requirements and the anouncement of the admission is available only in Norwegian.

Published Oct. 24, 2010 12:22 PM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2023 3:17 PM