Webpages tagged with «CrossTalk»

Photo of a tray with streptococcus pneuoniae bacteria held up by a hand with blue plastic gloves
Published June 9, 2017 12:26 PM

Imagine if we could talk to bacteria and tell them what they should do, or perhaps even better: what they should not do! This scenario is not so distant from what a research group at the University of Oslo (UiO) is working towards

Prismottaker Junges stilt opp fra venstre som nummer fire i en rekke av seks mennesker. Han holder pris-plaketten i hendene.
Published July 27, 2016 7:00 AM

Roger Junges, Ph.d.-candidate at the Faculty of Dentistry (FOD), University of Oslo, was recognized with the prestigous «LION Dental Research Award for Young Investigators in Oral Health Research» at the International Association for Dental Resarch (IADR) General Session.

Published Sep. 1, 2015 8:23 AM

An artificial molecule can impair the E.coli-bacteria’s aptitude to cause illness. This may have wider impact than solely for the illnesses this bacteria causes. The discovery may also prove a valuable contribution in the struggle against the increasing threat from antibiotics resistance.

Published July 9, 2015 3:45 PM

Rabia Khan finalized her PhD with a presentation of her thesis at the Department of Oral Biology June 29.