Enjoyed his stay as an Erasmusstudent at Faculty of Dentistry

Torben Hildebrand from Leibniz University in Hannover, Germany has completed his stay as an exchange- student at Department of Biomaterials from 1.September to 18.December.

Torben Hildebrand has been an Erasmus- student at Faculty of Dentistry

It was Christmas- spirit at the faculty when Torben Hildebrand went home to Germany . (Photo: Kjersti E. Carlsen, UiO)

Torben has now been together with his family and friends for Christmas. We asked him about his Christmas- celebration and also about his thoughts regarding his stay in Oslo.

Just before Christmas, he went with mixed feelings back to Germany because he enjoyed the semester in Oslo at the Department of Biomaterials a lot and was also happy to see his family and friends again!

– I spent the time during Christmas with them and we ate and talked together. These gatherings were the best chance to see many of my family and close friends at the same time and I could report about my stay in Oslo and update myself what was going on for the last half year at home, too.

Could you describe your research?

– I had the opportunity at the Department of Biomaterials to work practically on a high resolution nano tomography system. My exercise was to analyze the ultrastructure of human tooth using x-rays. For that I prepared and scanned small samples of wisdom teeth. Further, I focused on improving the contrast of these images by concentration of heavy metals in the soft tissue of the samples.

Have you become familiar with other students at University of Oslo?

– Due to the missing study buddy system for me during my exchange, other Erasmus students networked a bit faster. But the university of Oslo offered many events that made it quite easy for everybody to get in touch with international and Norwegian students. For example, I joined a language tandem where Erasmus students could meet Norwegian who learn German and the other way around. There we found groups and friends and went to other events to enjoy our free time together. Furthermore, I attended to an optional language course and got in contact to a lot of Erasmus and other international students there. It was always fun to spend our time together in the multicultural environment and we learned a lot about our cultures.


Tags: Erasmus+ By Kjersti E.Carlsen
Published Jan. 14, 2019 10:55 AM - Last modified Jan. 14, 2019 11:02 AM