MicroCT - SkyScan 1172

Microtomography (commonly known as Industrial CT Scanning), like tomography, uses X-rays to create cross-sections of a 3D object that later can be used to recreate a virtual model without destroying the original model. The term micro is used to indicate that the pixel sizes of the cross-sections are in the micrometer range. These pixel sizes have also resulted in the terminology micro-computed tomography, micro-CT, micro-computer tomography, high-resolution X-ray tomography, and similar terminologies. All of these names generally represent the same class of instruments. This also means that the machine is much smaller in design compared to the human version and is used to model smaller objects. In general, there are two types of scanner setups. In one setup, the X-ray source and detector are typically stationary during the scan while the sample/animal rotates. The second setup, much more like a clinical CT scanner, is gantry based where the animal/specimen is stationary in space while the X-ray tube and detector rotate around. These scanners are typically used for small animals (in-vivo scanners), biomedical samples, foods, microfossils, and other studies for which minute detail is desired.

Model: The SkyScan 1172 scanner is a MicroCT intermediate-high resolution levels (up to 0.8 µm resolution), with an innovative dynamically variable acquisition geometry that provides the shortest scan times possible at any magnification, allowing scans several times faster (obtaining the same or better image quality) compared to micro-CT systems with a fixed source-detector design. The new large format cooled x-ray digital camera achieves high spatial resolution without compromising sample size. Fast scan and reconstruction throughput is supported by a computer cluster option, which reconstructs scan datasets in less time than the scan duration in most cases, using several PCs in parallel. Cross section images are generated in a wide range of formats up to 8k x 8k pixels. The full range of SkyScan software for 2D / 3D quantitative analysis and for realistic 3D visualization supplied with all scanners.


Specifications for the Skyscan 1172

  • Detail detectability: <1 µm;
  • Low contrast resolution (10% MTF): 5 µm;
  • Pixel size at maximum magnification: 0.7 µm to 25 µm;
  • Continuously variable from < 1 µm to 25 µm;
  • Gives flexibility to choose based on tissues and user needs. X-ray source: Sealed microfocus X-ray tube, air cooled;
  • Spot size < 5µm @ 4 W;
  • X-ray source: 20-100 kV, 0-250 µA (10 W max).

Variable X-ray energy range from 20-100 kV without a reduction in spot size, which improves contrast for low-density samples (lung, liver, etc). Both camera and sample can be moved closer to source to achieve this variation or alteration in contrast, as needed for the density of the specimen. X-ray detector (camera): 11 Megapixel (4000 x 2300 pixels) 12-bit digital CCD-camera (50 mm field of view). Can be moved closer to specimen to improve resolution. Corrections Thermal drift corrections – a source spot correction


For more information, contact Liebert P. Nogueira

Tags: microCT, x-ray tomography, 3D imaging, pore structure
Published Sep. 12, 2012 4:57 PM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2018 7:43 PM