Biomaterials joined forces with collaborators from Palma de Mallorca

Department of Biomaterials joined our collaborators in Spain for a very interesting and productive scientific workshop on surface development of biomaterials.

An autumn workshop in Mallorca brought a smile to everyone's faces. 

Most of the researchers and technicians from our department travelled to Palma de Mallorca to visit our collaborators at the University of the Balearic Islands and took part in a scientific workshop 25th - 29th September that focussed on the development of novel coating strategies of medical devices for improved osteointegration. The workshop was organised by Marta Monjo and her research group at the University of the Balearic Islands.

As part of the workshop, the Oslo Biomaterials group had a chance to attend the PhD thesis defences of María Satué and Manuel Gómez-Florit, two of the PhD candidates from the Palma group who visited Oslo earlier this year. In addition to the defence lectures, we had the chance to listen to keynote  lectures from the opponents and most of the participants from Oslo also presented their recent research results. Full programme for the workshop is available here.

The workshop was funded by NILS Science and Sustainability Programme (ES07 EEA Grants), which also funded both María and Manu to spend three months in Oslo during last winter and three month research visits for our PhD candidates Benjamin Müller and Oscar Villa to spend at Mallorca this autumn.


All set for María's defence lecture. But wait, did Aina fall asleep..?


No, of course she didn't! She was just looking for a pen to make notes.


Our dean of research Prof S Petter Lyngstadaas became surrounded by PhD students hungry for knowledge. We learned that guinea pigs are much more interesting creatures than we thought. 


Typical PhD problems: you embedded a cool video in your presentation and of course the video doesn't play. You try to find out what the problem is but the computer only speaks Spanish... 


It was a week of firsts for our guest PhD student Xianbin: it was the first time he ever swam in the sea and he also gave his first presentation in an international research seminar.


Time for Manuel's PhD defence! Wonder who is the more nervous one, the supervisor (middle) or the candidate himself..?


Must have been the supervisor because Manuel totally aced his defence!


Marta Monjo deserved the biggest of 'thank you's for all the hard work she had put into organising such a memorable workshop for us!

All pictures © Jonas Wengenroth and Aman S Chahal


Tags: Biomaterials, OSSEONET, collaboration, TERCIT
Published Oct. 28, 2015 10:57 AM - Last modified Mar. 11, 2024 4:32 PM