2016 Oslo Dental Science Forum

The Faculty of Dentistry's Research Network invites you to the 2016 Oslo Dental Science Forum on the 8th JUNE 2016 at Oslo Kongressenter Folkets Hus, Youngs Gate 11, 0181 Oslo.

Photo by Jonas Wengenroth




08.30-09.00       Registration & Coffee
09.00-09.10       Welcome speech by Professor Pål Barkvoll - Faculty of Dentistry, UiO
09.10-09.40       Biomimetic Material Design and its Modifications in Bone
                          by Professor Deepak Vashishth
09.40-10.05       Structural and mechanical characterization of salivary calculi. Relevance for lithotripsy
                          by Dr. Patricia Almeida Carvalho
10.05-10.25       A potential role for graphene on stem cell biotechnology by Dr Athina Samara
                          Faculty of Medicine, UiO
10.30-11.00       Coffee break
11.00-11.35       Active, spun and solidificated implants by Professor Birgit Glasmacher
11.35-12.00       Macro- and micromechanical properties of cortical bone: mouse femur models
                          by Professor Bjørn Skallerud
12.00-13.15       Lunch & Coffee break
13.20-13.40       Combining exercise and metabolic drugs: Musculoskeletal effect in estrogen
                          deficient rats by Dr. Mats Peder Mosti
13.40-14.00       Use of Collagen and Silk Scaffolds To Culture Conjunctival Goblet Cells for Repair of
                           the Ocular Surface by Professor Darlene Dartt
14.00-14.20       A regenerative approach for reversing blindness by Professor Dong Feng Chen
14.20-14.40       The oral microbiome and its relation to health and disease by Professor Bruce Paster
14.40-14.50       Closing remarks by Professor S. Petter Lyngstadaas - Faculty of Dentistry, UiO
14.50.                Departure - Boat trip
15.00.                Boat cruise - Oslofjord

The 2016 Oslo Dental Science Forum will be held at Oslo Kongressenter Folkets Hus, Youngs Gate 11, 0181 Oslo.

Registration deadline 30th May 2016:

Registration form  - Oslo Dental Science Forum

Registration form - Boat cruise

Published May 23, 2016 1:22 PM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2022 3:31 PM