Bright future for high-resolution imaging of biological tissues

Martin Bech from University of Lund offered us a glimpse into the exciting new possiblities available in high-resolution X-ray imaging of biological materials.

We had a full house at the Faculty Club listeing to Martin Bech's lecture on synchrotron imaging of soft tissue biopsies.

Department of Biomaterials had the great pleasure of organising a seminar of new techniques to image biological materials on Monday 6 February, with focus on advanced X-ray and neutron-based imaging techniques.

Martin Bech from University of Lund demonstrated the immense capabilities of synchrotron X-rays in imaging and characterising both soft and hard tissue biopsies at very high-resolution, while Stedano Deledda from focused on the possibilities available for neutron-based imaging solution at Institute of Energy Technology following the ongoing upgrade of the neutron radiography station at IFE in Kjeller.    

Stefano Deledda told us about the ongoing upgrade of the neutron at the Institute for Energy Technology at Kjeller.

The visit from Martin and Stefano was in connection to a grant proposal for NordForsk collaboration to form a joint Nordic platform for advanced high-resolution imaging for biological tissue samples. 


Tags: Biomaterials, imaging, research collaboration, x-ray tomography
Published Feb. 13, 2017 6:45 PM - Last modified June 16, 2020 1:18 PM