Busy summer for our student researchers

While most people were enjoying their summer holidays by the beach, our lab did not quiet down thanks to our three hard-working student researchers.

Mattis, Øystein, and Arthur kept the Biomaterials lab busy this summer. © FW/UiO

Meet our student reseachers Mattis, Øystein and Arthur

Mattis Wachendörfer: I am studying the Bachelor Mechanical Engineering at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany. I specialised in Textile Technology with focusing on Medical Engineering. My great interest in this thematic field lead to the decision to write my Bachelor’s thesis at the Department of Biomaterials here in Oslo. In my thesis, I am investigating the effect of strontium chloride on the mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of ceramic titanium dioxide bone scaffolds.

Øystein Øvrebø: While doing a Mechanical Engineering degree at the University of Manchester, I was introduced to the topic of biomaterials and tissue engineering. This was through Manchester Biomanufacturing Centre, who work on materials for medical manufacturing, manufacturing processes, and computer modelling and simulation. Hoping to learn more about the field, in particular the use of scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration, I investigated the opportunities within the field and learned about the Department of Biomaterials. Fortunately, I was welcomed to the lab as a Summer Research Intern. Usually being based in Manchester, I was extremely grateful for the opportunity to spend the summer in an excellent scientific environment back home in Oslo.

Arthur Jehanno: I am currently in 4th year of the engineer cycle in Polytechnic School of the University of Nantes which is an engineering school in France. I study Material Science and during our 4th year of study we have to do a 3 month internship abroad. I applied for this internship for two reasons: first I wanted to understand how a lab works form the inside since I will continue my studies in the research and development curriculum in France. Secondly, I love Nordic countries, in fact I already made an internship in Finland and I loved it.

What have they learned during his stay in Oslo?

Mattis: During my 5 month stay in Oslo, I learned a lot of new methods as I could perform everything from the fabrication of the scaffolds to analysing the mechanical properties, microstructure and corrosion behaviour of the scaffolds myself. My experiences here strengthened my decision to study Medical Engineering as a Master’s program. I really had an awesome time working at the Institute and in Oslo, having fun with the colleagues, meeting people from all over the world and living in a great city in a beautiful country!

Øystein: In my project with Alejandro, I have worked on layer-by-layer coating of titanium scaffolds with bilayers of tannic acid and lysozyme. Due to the developing issue of antibiotic resistant bacteria, the coating may be a tool to prevent infections and inflammations of the tissue around medical implants. By forming multilayers of tannic acid and lysozyme we hoped that the coating could adopt the anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties of both molecules. I evaluated the ability to form multilayers with these molecules, as well as the thickness and structure of the coating. With dip-coated scaffolds, I examined the coating’s impact on mechanical properties such as compressive strength and hydrophilic properties. Moreover, the coating’s impact on the bioactivity was inspected by considering the adsorption of the blood plasma protein serum albumin.

Throughout the internship, I have learned to use a variety of analytical tools. Among others QCM-D, UV-vis spectroscopy and microCT. I have also learned a lot through fruitful discussions with my colleagues. The lab has a very friendly atmosphere, and even as a bachelor student, I have been given loads of responsibility and trust, which I appreciate. Additionally, frequent seminars by other lab members and visitors has introduced me to new and interesting perspectives and considerations to tissue engineering.

Arthur: During my 3 month in Oslo, I work on polyphenol nano-coatings on titanium surfaces which is a part of the PhD project of Florian who supervised me together with Hanna. In this project I was investigating the influence of pH influence the coating reaction and if certain ions have an effect of the coating formation. To do so, I used different characterization methods, such as UV-Visible and FTIR spectroscopy. This project is amazing because even if we are able to detect polyphenol nano-coating on titanium surfaces, the mechanisms involved in this reaction are still mostly unknown. Even if it was for a short time, I really enjoy my stay in Norway, I appreciate either coming to work every morning or visiting Oslo and its surroundings.


Tags: Biomaterials, Erasmus+, student exchange
Published Aug. 26, 2017 9:27 PM - Last modified Nov. 18, 2022 2:37 PM