EU success for the department

This year has brought our department some good luck with our EU grant proposals and we are now part of two new European collaboration projects - MgSafe project is now hiring PhD candidates.

Department of Biomaterials is participating in a new EU-funded Innovative Training Network project called MgSafe. The project focuses on investigating biodegradable magnesium implants using a several complimentary imaging techniques to assess the material behaviour and biological response towards such implants when placed in human tissues. The project brings together more than ten different institutes around Europe in 8 different countries, and aims to promote international research mobility and training of early-career researchers.

Fifteen PhD positions are now available within this interdisciplinary project, and one of these positions focusing on histological techniques is based at our lab in Oslo. Application deadline for the PhD positions is 31 October 2018, see the above link for further details.

Our head of department HÃ¥vard Haugen says he is extremely happy that our lab participating in such a exciting and prestigious training network. Close collaborations with partners with world leading expertise in several complimentary techniques also creates a fruitful ground for future collaboration projects.

New solutions to promote periodontal healing

We have also recently teamed up with a French biomedical company Regentis Pharma and received funding for a large research project from the Eurostars programme. This French-led project aims to develop and test a non-antibiotic wound healing gel that can be used to treatment for chronic periodontal gingivitis and peri-implant mucositis.

- This is a s very exciting project for our department that fits perfectly within our research focus. The project will also give us an opportunity to hire a new postdoctoral researcher with specific expertise in cell culture techniques and strengthen our research team with more knowledge in cell biology. We hope to have everything in place for our new team member to start in the beginning of the coming year, says Professor Janne Reseland, who will be leading the project in Oslo in collaboration with Corticalis AS

Tags: EU grants, MSCA, ITN, MgSafe, PhD candidates, collaboration, Eurostars, OralG
Published Sep. 26, 2018 6:14 PM - Last modified Feb. 12, 2019 2:22 PM