Award-winning visit to Sweden

Department of Biomaterials travelled to ScSB2018 meeting to see Professor Lyngstadaas receive the prestigious ScSB Award

A colourful group of scientists from Oslo defying the chilly April wind at ScSB2018 in Fiskebäckskil.

Our lab was exceptionally empty during the last week in April when almost all of our researchers were participating in the 11th annual meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials in Fiskebäckskil at the west coast of Sweden. Several of our PhD students and postdocs took the opportunity to present their latest research results and discuss their research questions with some of the leading international scientist in the biomaterials field. To maximise our chance to have interesting scientific discussions related to our own research, we even organised an improvised midnight poster session for anyone who was not too tired after a long day of science and a delicious conference dinner.  

ScSB research award to Professor Lyngstadaas

© Liebert Nogueira

Further recognition for the hours we all have spent in the lab came our way when Professor Ståle Petter Lyngstadaas received the Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials research award during the conference dinner at Fiskebäckskil for his contributions to the Scandinavian biomaterials research field. The ScSB research award is awarded to outstanding individuals who have made ground-breaking achievements that advance the field of biomaterials. 

- I am of course very honoured to receive this prestigious award, but it also kind of makes me feel bit old. It is always the distinguished scientists with long and meritorious careers who are awarded such honours and it is hard to believe that I am now counted as one of them, Petter confessed with a smile on his face. 

Having been one of the founding fathers of the Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials, which in merely one decade has grown into a lively and active community covering all aspects of biomaterials, more than merits such distinction and the entire Department of Biomaterials congratulates Petter on his outstanding achievements in both advancing biomaterials science and in uniting the biomaterials research community across the entire Nordic area.

To biomaterials that brought us together! 

Florian Weber was one of our young scientists presenting results of their PhD project at ScSB2018. © Mats Hulander
Tags: Biomaterials, conferences, dissemination, collaboration, awards, ScSB
Published May 3, 2018 10:59 PM - Last modified Nov. 18, 2022 2:45 PM