September is conference month

The Department has been busy both organising and attending conferences in September. Here are some of the highlights from Stockholm, Oslo, Madrid and Vienna.


Department of Biomaterial and staff at the institute ⁩organised last week NYSCO 2019, the 5th meeting of Nordic young scientists in oral research. NYSCO brings together young dental scientists from the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Saad is chairing a session at NYSCO
Saad Qasim is chariring a session at NYSCO



Håvard Haugen was member of the scientific committee of the European Congress And Exhibition On Advanced Materials And Processes  (EUROMAT 2019), ( held in Stockholm, Sweden, on 1-5 September 2019. He was the involved in the Area F: Materials for Healthcare together with Prof. Håkan Engqvist, Uppsala University, Sweden and with  Prof. Aldo Boccaccini , University of Erlangen. He organised and led the symposium "Structural and Bio-inspired Bioceramic Materials and Implants" where the following gave talks  Oscar Borrero-Lopez, Claudia Ortmann, Wei Xia, Chong Wei, Joaquim Minguela on zirconium oxide and lithium disilicate.

Håvard with the speakers of  session on bioceramics


Department of Biomaterials strongly represented at  The European Endodontic Association 19th conference in Vienna where 2500 dental and endodontics researchers participated in the four-day conference in Vienna. One morning session  was devoted to the topic "Micro- and nano-CT in endodontic research", organised by Professor Dag Ørstavik and where staff at the institute - Liebert P. Nogueira, Håvard J. Haugen, Gaute F. Johnsen and Pia Sunde presented research on dental and endodontics topics by use of micro and nanoCT.

 program on the conference website

Liebert is given a plenary talk at ESE 2019
Liebert is given a plenary talk at ESE 2019
Gaute Johnsen during his plenary talk
Gaute during his plenary talk


Continental European Division (CED-IADR) together with the Scandinavian Division (NOF) of the International Association for Dental Research organized the Oral Health Research Congress in Madrid in 2019. Former PhD student from BIOMAT Anders Verket, Stig Ellingsen and Håvard J Haugen participated with session chairing, oral talks and poster presentation with the latest research from our lab.

Representatives from faculty of odontology with the organiser of the meeting, Prof. Herrerra
The Oslo team Sadia Kahn, Håvard Haugen, Stig Ellingsen Alix Young Wiik, Anders Verket together with the conference organiser Prof. David Herrerra 
Anders Verket in front of his poster titled “Effect of Implantoplasty on the Surface Roughness and Chemical Composition” together with our collaborator Rafael Plá Martinez (Complutense University of Madrid) at the CED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Research Congress in Madrid


Published Sep. 27, 2019 6:19 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2023 11:22 AM