Award to Pawel Kallas

Pawel Kallas has awarded "Best Young Author of the Year 2020-2021" by the Journal Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry.

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Pawel Kallas at the Department of Biomaterials proudly presents the diploma he has received for the award «Best young author of the year». Photo: Fredrik Haugen Pedersen

The journal "Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry" have chosen our Pawel Kallas as recipient of the 2020-2021 'Best Young Author of the Year' award for his paper: “Effect of silica nano-spheres on adhesion of oral bacteria and human fibroblasts”. The award-winning author is  now finalising his PhD at the Department of Biomaterials.

The award committee concluded that Pawel's article "stands out as the winner because it tells of a study that aims to contribute to the management of a growing clinical problem using an original approach designed in a thorough and convincing way."

Assessment basis for «Best young author of the year»: The prize is awarded to an author who at the time of submission of the script is within having completed a degree (PhD, DDS, DMD, MD, etc.) 10 years earlier. The person in question has Nordic nationality or has carried out his research in a Nordic country. Qualified scripts are assessed based on the following criteria: study originality, study form and linguistic clarity. The award also includes an amount of 2,000 Euros and a diploma.

Pawel used a flow cell to investigate the effect of nanotopographies on S. aureus and S. mitis adhesion in this study. Adhesion of both bacteria decreased on surfaces functionalized with nanoparticles and coincided with higher nanoparticle surface coverage on the surface. The present findings are of relevance for design of future implant and prostheses surfaces in order to reduce adhesion of bacteria.


By Håvard J Haugen
Published Nov. 24, 2021 7:58 PM - Last modified Dec. 7, 2021 2:37 PM