Exciting Insights from EXCITE: Our Journey to Granada

We recently attended the EXCITE consortium meeting in the historical city of Granada, Spain. This event brought together experts from Europe, all connected by a common thread – the electron and X-ray imaging infrastructure and its application in materials research.

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The EXCITE consortium

The EXCITE network had its consortium meeting at Universidad de Granada with X-ray imaging and SEM specialists from Europe for three days last week. We spent those days discussing the highlights from our network and starting planning for the next phase, EXCITE2.0, which kicks off next year.

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The EXCITE consortium meeting was hosted by Carlos Rodríguez Navarro and  Encarnación Ruiz Agudo, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada.

The EXCITE Network is at the forefront of offering researchers access to state-of-the-art imaging facilities to explore a range of materials, from geological samples to environmental and even biomaterials, using SEM/TEM and X-ray imaging. The range of presentations and discussions throughout the conference, from the innovative use of spectral tomography to advancements in understanding mineral formation processes, resonates closely with our department's focus on dental materials research.

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Oliver Plümper, one of the leaders of EXCITE, showed a map of the expansion of EXCITE 2.0 with its additional partners in the next phase.

Why was this meeting important for us? The techniques and insights shared during the meeting align with our analytical methods in biomaterials research. Techniques like X-ray tomography are pivotal in our work for understanding the complex structures of dental materials and the processes of mineralization – critical for advancements in dental health technologies.

The EXCITE meeting also served as a free and open-access interdisciplinary cooperation platform, a core value that our department and faculty deeply share. Engaging with professionals from diverse scientific backgrounds enriches our perspective and approach to research, paving the way for innovative solutions in biomaterials science.

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Leading European experts on scanning electron microscopy and X-ray imaging in scientific discussion on tackling scientific challenges in our field. Photo: Hanna Vogel

Our participation in this consortium meeting reinforces our commitment to being at the cutting edge of research and highlights the synergies between geoscientific methods and biomaterials research. The insights gained from the discussions on the characterization of Earth materials are instrumental in pushing the boundaries of our understanding of mineralization in dental contexts.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the University of Granada for hosting this illuminating conference creating an environment for sharing scientific advances and enhancing collaboration inside our network. The Department of Biomaterials at the University of Oslo is excited to incorporate the learnings from this meeting into our ongoing and future projects, continually aiming to improve the materials essential for dental health. The  EXCITE project ends in May 2024, however, the new project Excite 2.o, with even more funding than the last round, will last until 2028.

Stay tuned for more updates as we explore, discover, and innovate in the fascinating world of biomaterials.

This EXCITE project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101005611.


Tags: x-ray tomography, H2020, european grant, collaboration, grant, SEM By Håvard Haugen, Hanna Vogel
Published Nov. 17, 2023 8:00 AM - Last modified Dec. 13, 2023 2:08 PM