Biomaterials meet the world

After presenting our latest research results to our Scandinavian peers, it was time for us to broaden our scope and attend the 12th World Biomaterials Congress in Daegu, South Korea.

Image may contain: Footwear, Smile, Jeans, Shoe, Blue.
Our happy task force representing the biomaterials lab in Korea: Probal Basu, Hanna Tiainen, Enrique Oreja and Agnes Rogala.

Following our fruitful visit to the annual meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials in Helsingør earlier in the spring, the Department of Biomaterials decided to go global and present our latest research work to biomaterials researcher across the world at the 12th World Biomaterials Congress in South Korea. In addition to meeting up with old and new biomaterials friends, exploring the Korean culture and tasting many delicious foods we could not recognise, and let alone pronounce, our task force in Korea was well-prepared to stand in the limelight with three of our researchers giving an oral presentation at the conference.

Image may contain: Computer, Personal computer, Microphone, Sleeve, Gadget.
After some practice at the ScSB2024 conference earlier this year, Enrique was full of confidence when presenting results from his PhD project to an even more international audience.

Our Marie Curie postdoc fellow Probal Basu was doing double duty during his presentation session as he both presented his research work on cellulose-reinforced hydrogel membranes for periodontal research and co-chaired the session. Following his presentation, we were all running to a neighbouring lecture hall to catch Agnes Rogala giving her first ever scientific talk at big conference. She did an excellent job at presenting her latest results on developing bioactive implant surfaces using probiotic bacteria during a session dedicated to dental and craniofacial biomaterials, while Enrique Oreja complemented her presentation by giving a talk on protein adsorption and its impact on cell adhesion on functionalised titanium implant surfaces.  

Image may contain: Clothing, Hairstyle, Photograph, Community, T-shirt.
Water came in handy during the poster session with many people stopping by to listen Hanna explain the research results presented in her comic.


Meanwhile, Hanna Tiainen had the chance to have some fun preparing a somewhat unconventional poster presenting our research work on dental zirconia surfaces mostly conducted by our French Erasmus interns Enzo Galli and Yann DumayAdmittedly, Hanna did have a bit more fun than usual preparing her poster this time, but the effort put into to the poster design and image editing more than paid off with many interested researchers stopping by to hear more about saliva adsorption and bonding on zirconia surfaces during the conference. Hanna's poster was also awarded a best poster prize by the WBC2024 organising committee. 

Our trip to WBC2024 in Daegu would not have been possible without the generous support from Stiftelsen til tannlegevitenskapens fremme.




Tags: WBC2024, conferences, dissemination, dental implants, titanium, QCM-D, periodontal regeneration, Erasmus+ By Hanna Tiainen
Published July 3, 2024 11:24 PM - Last modified July 3, 2024 11:27 PM