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Department for Cariology and Gerodontology

The department is responsible for teaching, research and dissemination of the topic dental caries, as well as other disorders and damage to the hard dental tissues, such as dental erosion, tooth wear, mineralization disorders and discolouration of teeth.

Gerodontology is that part of odontology that covers oral health and treatment needs of the healthy and sick elderly.  

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Studying caries in the microscope

Focus on caries prevention and minimal invasive operative techniques

Modern cariology teaching focusses on prevention and causal treatment. Minimal invasive techniques and non-operative treatment of enamel caries lesions are therefore important topics. In addition to dental conditions and the epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis and treatment, students are taught about the role of diet, saliva and dental biofilm, fluorides in caries prevention, caries microbiology, and biomaterials used for repairing damaged teeth.

Although Gerodontology is taught as a separate field of odontology, it is integrated with several other topics such as ethics and community dentistry. Collaboration across health professions has also been implemented as part of the teaching. The clinical teaching takes place at the Institute of Clinical Dentistry (IKO) satellite clinic at the Cathinka Guldberg Center.


The teaching covers diagnostics, treatment planning, prevention and clinical treatment of caries diseases and their implications. Importance is currently attached to the teaching of caries diagnostics and treatment planning, with particular emphasis on preventive caries therapy and modern operative therapy.

Teaching is given in the form of lectures, seminars, and clinical supervision, and supervision of master projects. The department has an important overall role in coordinating and evaluating students’ work in the Adult general dental clinic. 


Institute of Clinical Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
Box 1109 Blindern
0317 Oslo

Visiting address

Geitmyrsveien 71

Head of section

Professor Alix Young Vik

Published Oct. 27, 2010 6:12 PM - Last modified May 30, 2023 4:55 PM