Disputas: Odd Carsten Koldsland

Cand.odont. Odd Carsten Koldsland ved Institutt for klinisk odontologi vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): Biological outcome of dental implant treatment. Prevalence and risk indicators


10. jun. 2010 14:15



Professor, DDS, dr. odont Bjørn Klinge
Institutionen for odontologi, Karolinska Institutet
Førsteamanuensis, dr. odont Hans Jacob Rønold
Institutt for klinisk odontologi, Ui0
Førsteamanuensis, dr. odont Femanda Petersen
Institutt for oral biologi, Ui0

Leder av disputas:  Instituttleder Pål Barkvoll

Veileder:  Anne Merete Aass og Anne Aamdal Scheie.


Biological outcome of dental implant treatment. Prevalence and risk indicators

Dental implant insertion is an accepted treatment for lost teeth. The variety of designs and surfaces has made this field an industry with expectations of successful aesthetic and functional results from both patients and dentists. The optimism regarding treatment results has recently been challenged by a number of published articles focusing on loss of dental implants and other complications. Potential risk-factors as well as local factors have been assessed in several studies.

The overall aim of this project was to evaluate the outcome of oral implants inserted at the Institute of Clinical Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo. To draw conclusions about the following issues were of special interest; Prevalence of implant loss and peri-implant disease at different diagnostic thresholds and risk indicators associated with these assessed outcomes.

Subjects registered with implants inserted and suprastructures made at the institute between 1990 and 2005 were invited to participate in this cross-sectional project. In total 164 subjects were identified. The study population comprised 109 subjects, with a mean age of 43.8 years at the time of implant insertion (Range: 18-80), 69 females. The mean functional loading time was 8.4 years (SD 4.6 subject level). A total of 374 solid screw implants had been inserted. The examination comprised clinical and radiographic assessment and an interview regarding health and habits.

Oral implants had a high survival rate, especially after osseointegration. Assessing different levels of severity of peri-implantitis yielded a difference in prevalence from 11.3 – 47.1% in the present study population. Within the limits of the present project, it may be speculated that subjects experiencing biological dental implant complications frequently are smokers and susceptible to periodontitis.

Publisert 11. okt. 2010 09:14 - Sist endret 6. feb. 2014 15:23