Disputas: Anne Elisabeth Münster Halvari

Cand.polit. Anne Elisabeth Münster Halvari ved IKO vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.d.: Motivation, Dental Behaviours, Well-Being, and Oral Health: Cross-sectional and Experimental Studies Testing Self-Determination Theory.

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8. desember kl. 14.15, Aud. 1, Geitmyrsveien 69


  • Professor Dr. Joan Duda, University of Birmingham
  • Associate professor Ph.d. Pierre-Nicolas Lemyre, Norges idrettshøgskole
  • Associate professor Dr.odont. Vibeke Kjærheim, Universitetet i Oslo

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Forskningsdekan Bjørn Øgaard


  • Researcher Dr.polit. Gunnar Bjørnebekk
  • Professor Ph.d. Edward Deci


Three cross-sectional studies aimed to test a Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000) process model, in which patients’ perceptions of the autonomy support (relative to control) of dental professionals were expected to positively predict patients’ psychological needs satisfaction in treatment, which was expected to relate positively to autonomous motivation (i.e., for dental home care and treatment) and perceived dental competence, and negatively to controlled motivation and anxiety for treatment, which, in turn, were expected to predict dental behaviours, well-being and oral health-related variables. In a fourth experimental study, we tested whether an autonomy-supportive competence-promoting dental intervention, relative to standard care, would have positive effects on SDT motivational variables and dental behaviours, and also negative effects on plaque and gingivitis over 5.5 months. In this latter experiment we also tested the SDT process model with longitudinal data. Cross-sectional samples of 210 (study 1) and 208 (study 2 and 3) students responded to questionnaires. In the fourth study, a randomized controlled trial was conducted at a dental clinic with 141 patients providing pre- and post-measures (after 5.5 months) of SDT motivation variables, dental behaviours, dental plaque, and gingivitis.

Structural equation modelling supported the SDT process models: (1) in study 1 by using autonomous motivation and dental competence as mediating variables predicting dental health behaviours and self-rated oral health; (2) in study 2 by using autonomous motivation and anxiety for treatment and dental competence predicting dental behaviours and dental clinic attendance; and (3) in study 3 by using autonomous and controlled motivation for treatment and dental competence as mediating variables predicting oral health-related variables and subjective dental well-being. In the fourth study, overall, the experimental and SDT process models received strong support. The very large effect sizes on reductions in dental plaque and gingivitis provide strong support for SDT and compelling evidence in terms of calls for the training of dental hygienists in motivational principles.

Publisert 30. nov. 2011 15:22 - Sist endret 25. feb. 2020 12:24