Oslo Dental Science Forum

8. juni inviterer fakultetets forskernettverk til sommerseminar i Oslo Kongressenter.

Foto av seilbåter på fjorden en vakker sommerdag

Foto: Jonas Wengenroth, OD/UiO.

Seminaret finner sted på Oslo Kongressenter, Folkets Hus.  Påmeldingsfrist er 30. mai.

Påmelding til seminaret: https://nettskjema.no/a/72983.html

Påmelding til båttur: https://nettskjema.no/a/72984.html             



08.30-09.00       Registration & Coffee
09.00-09.10       Welcome speech by Professor Pål Barkvoll - Faculty of Dentistry, UiO
09.10-09.40       Active, spun and solidificated implants by Professor Birgit Glasmacher
09.40-10.10       Structural and mechanical characterization of salivary calculi. Relevance for lithotripsy
                          by Dr. Patricia Almeida Carvalho
10.10-10.25       Role of graphene on stem cells by Athina Samara - Faculty of Medicine, UiO
10.30-11.00       Coffee break
11.00-11.35       Professor Deepak Vashishth - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY USA
11.35-12.00       Macro- and micromechanical properties of cortical bone: mouse femur models
                          by Professor Bjørn Skallerud
12.00-13.15       Lunch & Coffee break
13.20-13.40       Combining exercise and metabolic drugs: Musculoskeletal effect in estrogen deficient rats by Dr. Mats Peder Most
13.40-14.00       Use of Collagen and Silk Scaffolds To Culture Conjunctival Goblet Cells for Repair of the
                          Ocular Surface by Professor Darlene Dartt
14.00-14.20       A regenerative approach for reversing blindness by Professor Dong Feng Chen
14.20-14.40       The oral microbiome and its relation to health and disease by Professor Bruce Paster
14.40-14.50       Closing remarks by Professor S. Petter Lyngstadaas - Faculty of Dentistry, UiO
14.50.                Departure - Boat trip
15.00.                Boat cruise - Oslofjord

Publisert 30. mai 2016 09:11 - Sist endret 27. juli 2016 11:30