Handling of accidents or emissions of GMMs

  • In the event of undesirable events, the scope of the incident must be limited as far as possible so that as little GMM material as possible from contained use will escape.
  • Local measures specified in the risk assessment of the experiments must be implemented - for example disinfection measures.
  • Adverse events with contained use of GMM are reported in writing according to the current routine at UiO.
  • Adverse events and discharges of GMM material are reported to the Norwegian Directorate of Health, Department of Biotechnology and Health Law. Alert telephone: 24 16 39 00. The following information must be provided:
  1. The immediate circumstances of the accident.
  2. The identity and quantity of GMMs released.
  3.  All information necessary to assess the effects of the accident on health and the environment.
  4.  What measures have been implemented.
Published Apr. 25, 2022 11:59 AM - Last modified Apr. 25, 2022 12:01 PM