Meeting in Born in the twilight of antibiotics project group

The research group Born in the twilight of antibiotics held a meeting at Soria Moria, to discuss the future of the project.

Image may contain: Seminar, Presentation, Meeting, Event, Room.

Participants from the Born in the twilight project discuss the progress of the project and future plans. Foto: Ulf Dahle

Born in the twilight of antibiotics is a program comprising two projects. One project is financed by the Olav Thon Foundation with partners in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The other project is financed by ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) and the Norwegian Research Council with partners in India and Norway.

The aim of the projects is to gain insight into how the respiratory microbiome and resistome develops with a focus on preterm babies. The project started in 2018 and yesterday the group had a meeting at Soria Moria Conference Center in Oslo. The meeting focused on discussing where we have come so far, where we are now and how we will reach our future aims.

This was a great opportunity for the group to come together and we had several fun team building activities in which everyone participated. We are very much looking forward to the future collaboration and we thank everyone for their participation.

By Anna Torwick
Published Sep. 24, 2019 10:59 AM - Last modified Sep. 24, 2019 11:55 AM