Norwegian version of this page

Dynamics of bacterial colonization

The group focuses on understanding the dynamics of bacterial colonization of different environments. This includes understanding bacterial biofilm formation, resistance mechanisms, microbe-microbe and host-microbe interactions.

About the group

The goal of our research is to understand bacterial host colonization and infection.  We are currently studying a number of mechanisms that determine bacterial persistence in different environments. Our research aims at understanding:

  • Development and spread of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial communities
  • Host-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions that determines bacterial colonization and pathogenicity
  • Regulation of bacterial biofilms and concomitant evolution of antimicrobial resistance

The ultimate goal is to use the knowledge gained in our studies to develop novel therapeutics and treatment regimens that can prevent bacterial infections or reduce the damaging effects.


The research group is currently involved in several projects designed to achieve the objectives.

  • Understanding commensalism and pathogenicity of oral bacteria.This project focuses on understanding the mechanisms that governs commensal colonization of the oral cavity by opportunistic pathogens and the changes that occur during pathogenic conversion. We use genetic, biochemical and microscopy approaches to analyze the host and microbe factors that determine these transformations.
  • QREC-MaP - Quinolone resistance despite low antimicrobial usage – mechanisms and possible preventive measures. QREC-MaP is a collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Science, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Animalia and Felleskjøpet Forutvikling AS. This project aims at identifying potential mechanisms that can explain occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in animal populations despite low antimicrobial usage.
    • More about the Project (Veterinærinstituttet)

  • NoResist - Combating antimicrobial resistance in the Norwegian food production chain. This is an NFR funded project that is conducted in collaboration with the Veterinary Institute, Nofima, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Animalia. The project seeks to obtain knowledge on persistence and spread of antimicrobial resistance in the Norwegian food production chain with the purpose to prevent, reduce or inhibit such resistance. The research group is mainly involved in understanding molecular mechanisms involved in increased or reduced occurrence, development and spread of antimicrobial resistance in response to feed additives used in animal feed.

    • More about the Project (Veterinærinstituttet)


  • Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
  • Harvard Medical School, USA
  • The University of Newcastle, Australia
  • Leeds Beckett University, UK
  • The Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  • The Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Norway
  • Institute of Clinical Odontology, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Department of pharmacy, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Oslo University Hospital, Norway
Published Aug. 14, 2018 11:23 AM - Last modified Oct. 4, 2023 9:43 AM


Institute of Oral Biology
Domus Odontologica
Sognsvannsveien 10
0372 Oslo

Group leader

  • Roger Simm


Detailed list of participants