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Sapkota's Lab

The overall aim is to identify oral cancer related biomarkers through comprehensive basic research on cancer cell-lines and clinical material and to test and validate the identified biomarkers for future translational applications.

Mikroskopbilde av kreftceller

Gradual loss of S100A16. Expression from tumor centre to the invading front of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Photo: Dipak Sapkota, IOB/UiO.

About the group

The focus of the group is to better understand the biology of oral precancer (potentially malignant oral disorders) and cancer using comprehensive molecular techniques (mRNA, miRNA, protein analyses) and to identify molecular biomarkers for risk assessment of oral precancer and personalized management of oral cancer.


  1. Biomarkers in oral potentially malignant oral disorders.
  2. S100A14 and S100A16 proteins in oral cancer: Functional roles, prognostic and therapeutic values.
  3. Development and characterization of 3D-coculture models for investigation of functional roles of genes and to test the biological effects of dental biomaterials.



  • Associate professor Tine M. Søland, Institute of oral biology, UiO   
  • Professor Daniela E. Costea, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Senior researcher Jan Tore Samuelsen, NIOM
  • Senior researcher Ove Bruland, Haukeland University Hospital


  • Professor Bengt Hasséus, Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy,
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Professor Paulo Braz-Silva,  Universidade de Sao Paulo Faculdade de Odontologia, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Published Mar. 7, 2023 9:32 AM - Last modified Sep. 8, 2023 10:38 AM


Institute of Oral Biology
Domus Odontologica
Sognsvannsveien 10
0372 Oslo

Group leader

Group members

Current PhD candidates

  • Bishwa Prakash Bhattarai 
  • Saroj Rajthala

Current master students

  • Linn Fuierer Hauge 
  • Mai Linh Pham 
  • Mailin Hermansen
  • Rose Foroughinejad 


Guest researcher

  • Associate professor Burcu Toközlü (Department of Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Gazi, Turkey).