
Fullstendig liste over publikasjoner.

International pre-reviewed articles:

Trond S. Halstensen

A88        Ephrin-B3 binds both cell-associated and secreted proteoglycans.  Prydz K, Halstensen TS, Holen HL and Aasheim HC. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2018 Jun 26. pii: S0006-291X(18)31453-0. doi: 10.1016/j.. [Epub ahead of print]

A87        Petronijevic S, Stig S, Gao J, Halstensen TS. Amelogenin specific IgA and IgG in children with untreated coeliac disease. Eur J Oral Sci. 2016; 124: 526-533.

A86        Gao J, Ulekleiv CH, Halstensen TS. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor-ligand based molecular staging predicts prognosis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma partly due to deregulated EGF- induced amphiregulin expression. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2016; 35: 151.

A85.       Attramadal CG, Kumar S, Gao J, Boysen ME, Halstensen TS, Bryne M. Low Mast Cell Density Predicts Poor Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Reduces Survival in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 2016; 36: 5499-5506

A84.       Gao J, Zhao S, Halstensen TS. Increased interleukin-6 expression is associated with poor prognosis and acquired cisplatin resistance in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Oncol Rep. 2016; 35: 3265-74.

A83.       Attramadal CG, Halstensen TS, Dhakal HP, Ulekleiv CH, Boysen ME, Nesland JM, Bryne M. High nuclear SOX2 expression is associated with radiotherapy response in small (T1/T2) oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Oral Pathol & Med: 2015; 44: 515-22.

A82.       Sjaheim TB, Bjortuft O, Drablos PA, Kongerud J, Halstensen TS. Increased bronchial density of CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in occupational asthma: relationship to current smoking. Scand j immunol 2013; 77: 398-404.

A81.       Husvik C, Bryne M, Halstensen TS. c-Jun N-terminal kinase negatively regulates epidermal growth factor-induced cyclooxygenase-2 expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines. Eur J Oral Sci. 2009;117:663-8.

A80.       Husvik C, Bryne M, Halstensen TS. Epidermal growth factor-induced cyclo­oxygenase-2 expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines is mediated through extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 and p38 but is Src and nuclear factor-kappa B independent. Eur J Oral Sci. 2009;117:528-35.

A79.       Husvik C, Khuu C, Bryne M, Halstensen TS. PGE2 production in oral cancer cell lines is COX-2-dependent. J Dent Res. 2009; 88:164-9.

A78.       GB Sletten, R Halvorsen, E Egaas, TS Halstensen. Casein-specific immune­globulins in cow's milk allergic patient subgroups reveal a shift to IgA dominance in tolerant patients. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2007;18:71-80.

A77.       GB Sletten, R Halvorsen, E Egaas, TS Halstensen. Memory T cell (CD45RAneg) proliferation in cow’s milk allergy (CMA) after CD25+ve Treg removal suggests a role for caseins in IgE-mediated CMA. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2007;3:190-8.

A76.     T. Sjåheim, J. Kongerud, Ø.Bjørtuft, P.A.Drabløs, D.Malterud, T.S.Halstensen.  Reduced bronchial CD4+ T cell density in smokers with occupational asthma. Eur Resp. J, 2006;28:1138-44.

A75.     GB Sletten, R Halvorsen, E Egaas, TS Halstensen. Changes in humoral responses to β-lactoglobulin in tolerant patients suggest a particular role for IgG4 in delayed, non-IgE-mediated cow’s milk allergy. Pediatric Allergy & Immunology, 17:435-43, 2006

A74.     Brandtzaeg P, Carlsen HS, Halstensen TS. The B-cell system in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In:  Immune mechanisms in inflammatory bowel disease. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2006;579:149-67.

A73.     Sjaheim T, Halstensen TS, Lund MB, Bjortuft O, Drablos PA, Malterud D, Kongerud J. Airway inflammation in aluminium potroom asthma. Occup Environ Med. 2004;61:779-85.

A72.     Cai Y, Bjermer L, Halstensen TS.  Bronchial mast cells are the dominating LTC4S-expressing cells in aspirin-tolerant asthma. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2003;29:683-93.

A71.     Heldal KK, Halstensen AS, Thorn J, Djupesland P, Wouters I, Eduard W, Halstensen TS. Upper airway inflammation in waste handlers exposed to bioaerosols. Occup Environ Med. 2003;60:444-50.

A70      Heldal KK, Halstensen AS, Thorn J, Eduard W, Halstensen TS.  Airway inflammation in wast handlers  exposed to bioaerosols assessed by induced sputum. Eur Resp J. 2003; 21: 641-645.

A69      Askling J, Linet M, Gridley G, HalstensenTS, Fraumeni J, Ekbom A. Cancer incidence in a population-based cohort of individuals hospitalized with celiac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis in Sweden. Gasteroenterology 2002;123:1428-35.

A68      Farstad IN, Johansen FE, Scott H, Fausa O, Bjørneklett A, Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS. Heterogeneity of intraepithelial lymphocytes in refractory sprue: potential implications of CD30. Gut, 51; 372-8, 2002.

A67      Steinsvoll S, Halstensen TS, Schenk K. Extended production of TGF-b1 in chronically inflamed periodontal tissue. J Clin Periodont 26; 366-73, 1999

A66      Myint M, Odden K, Schreurs O, Halstensen TS, Schenck K. The gingival plasma cell infiltrate in HIV+ patients with periodontitis is disorganized. J Clin Periodont. 26, 26358-65, 1999.

A65      Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS, Huitfeldt H, Valnes K. Immunofluresence and Immunoenzyme Histochemistry. In Johnstone AP & Turner MW (eds) Immunochemistry 2 – in: Johnston, AP., Turner, M.W., (eds), Immunochemistry 2 – A practical approch, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Pp.71. 1997

A64      Halstensen TS. Why are we not all allergic, basic mechanisms for tolerance development? Environ Tox Pharmacol, 4: 25-31, 1997.

A63      Halstensen TS. Løvik M, Alexander J, Smith E. Environmental chemicals and food allergy / intolerance, a synopsis. Environ Tox Pharmacol, 4:179-185, 1997.

A62      Berstad AE, Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS. Epithelial related deposition of activated complement in Helicobacter pylori associated gastritis. Gut. 40: 196-203, 1997

A61      Helgeland L, Vaage TJ, Rolstad B, Halstensen TS, Midtvedt T, Brandtzaeg P. Reginal phenotypic spesialization of intraepithelial lymphocytes in the rat intestine does not depend on microbial colonization, Scand J Immunol. 46: 349-357, 1997

A60      Farstad IN, Halstensen TS, Kvale D, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Topographic distribution of homing receptors on B and T cells in human gut-associated lymphoid tissue: relation of L-selectin and integrin a4b7  to CD45. Am J Pathol. 1997; 150: 187-99

A59      Halstensen TS. Mucosal Defence Mechanisms in Helicobacter pylori-Associated Gastritis. Int Rev Allergol Clin Immunol. 1997; 3: 59-60

A58      Farstad IN, Halstensen TS, Lien B, Kilshaw PJ, Lazarovits AI, Brandtzaeg P. Distribution of b7 integrins in human intestinal mucosa and organized gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Immunology, 1996; 89: 227-237

A57      Nilssen DE, Müller F, Frøland SS, Øktedalen Ø, Frøland SS, Fausa O, Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P. Intraepithelial gd T cells in duodenal mucosa are related to the immune state and survival time in AIDS. J Virolgy, 1996; 70: 3545-3550.

A56      Rugtveit J, Scott H, Halstensen TS, Brandzaeg P. Expression of L1 (calprotectin) by tissue macrophages reflects recent recrutment from peripherial blood rather than upregulation of local synthesis: implication for rejection diagnosis in formalin-fixed kidney specimens. Am J Clin Pathol, 1996;180:94-199.

A55      Andersen R, Hosaka J, Halstensen TS, Stordahl A, Tverdal Aa, Aabakken L, Lærum F. The x-ray contrast medium iodixanol detects increased colonic permeability equally well as 51Cr-labeled etylenediaminetetraacetic acid in experimental colitis of rats. Scan J Gastroenterol,  1996;31:140-146.

A54      Farstad IN, Halstensen TS, Lazarovits AI, Norstein J, Fausa O, , Brandtzaeg P. Human intestinal B-cell blasts and plasma cells express the mucosal homing receptor integrin a4b7. Scand J immunol,  1995; 42: 662-672.

A53      Halstensen TS. Kronisk tarminflammasjon studert med flerfarget immunhistokjemi. Nordisk Medicin 1995; 110: 56-59

A52      Røger M, Høgåsen K, Holme PA,  Halstensen TS, Mollnes TE, Hovig T. The fluid-phase SC5b9 terminal complement complex binds to the GPIIb/IIIa complex of thrombin-stimulated human blood platelets inhibiting platelet Platelets, 1995; 6: 160-168.

A51      Farstad IN, Halstensen TS, Kvale D, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Expression of VLA-4 and L-selectin in human gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). In "Proceedings  7th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology" Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (Eds.: McGhee JR, Mestecky J, Sterzl J. and Tlaskalovà), Plenum Press,1995; 371A: 91-96.

A50      Halstensen TS. Das K, Brandtzaeg P. Epithelial deposits of immunoglobulin G1 and activated complement co-localize with the Mr 40-kD putative autoantigen in ulcerative colitis. In "Proceedings  7th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology" Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (Eds.: McGhee JR, Mestecky J, Sterzl J. and Tlaskalovà), Plenum Press: 1995; 371B, 1273-1276.

A49      Jahnsen F, Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P. Immunostaining with monoclonal antibodies to eosinophil cationic protein (EG1 and EG2) does not distinguish between resting and activated eosinophils in formalin-fixed tissue specimens. In "Proceedings  7th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology" Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (Eds.: McGhee JR, Mestecky J, Sterzl J. and Tlaskalovà), Plenum Press, 1995; 3371A 283-286.

A48      Rugtveit J, Scott H, Halstensen TS, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Differential expression of leucocyte protein L1 (calprotectin) by monocytes and intestinal macrophages.  In "Proceedings  7th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology" Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (Eds.: McGhee JR, Mestecky J, Sterzl J. and Tlaskalovà), Plenum Press, 1995; 371A: 207-10.

A47      Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P. TCRg/d+ and CD8+ intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) express proliferation marker (Ki-67) in the coeliac lesion. In "Proceedings  7th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology" Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (Eds.: McGhee JR, Mestecky J, Sterzl J. and Tlaskalovà), Plenum Press, 1995; 371B 1333-1338.

A46      Scott H, Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P. Intestinal immune regulation exemplified by coeliac disease. Microökologie und Therapie, Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph V: Effectiv and ineffektive defence mekanism in the gastrointestinal tract. (eds) Cottier H, Heidth TJ, Rousch VC, van der Waaijd.  Institute of Microbiology and Biochemistry. 1994; pp, 122-137,

A45      Farstad IN, Halstensen TS, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Heterogeneity of M cell-associated B cells in human Peyer's patches. Immunology, 83; 457-464, 1994.

A44      Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P. Alteration in B-cell Reactivity- The role of IgG Autoantibodies. Mucosal Immunology update. 2; 14-16, 1994.

A43      Jahnsen F, Haraldsen G, Rugtveit J, Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P. Differential interference contrast microscpy combined with immunofluoresence: a new method to phenotype eosinophiles in situ. J Immunol Meth, 173; 77-91 1994.

A42      Rugtveit J, Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS, Fausa O, Scott H. Increased Macrophage Subset in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Apparent Recruitment from Peripherial Blood Monocytes. GUT, 35; 669-674, 1994.

A41      Lundin KEA, Gjertsen H, Scott H, Hansen T, Gunnar P, Halstensen TS, Fausa O, Thorsby E, Sollid L. Gliadin-specific, HLA-DQ2 restricted T cells isolated from the small intestinal mucosa of celiac disease patients. In Feighery C. & O'Farrelly C. (eds): Gastrointestinal immunology and gluten-sensitive disease. Proceedings International Coeliac Symposium, Dublin, 1992, pp281-284, Oak tree press Dublin, 1994.

A40      Jahnsen F, Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS. Monoclonal Antibody EG2 cannot be used to Distinguish Activated from Resting Eosinophiles. J Immunol. Meth., 175; 23-36   1994.

A39      Halstensen TS, Scott H, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Gluten stimulation of jejunal biopsies from coeliac patients in vitro induces activation (CD25) of lamina propria CD4+ T-cells and macrophages but no crypt cell hyper­plasia. Scand J Immunol, 39; 581-590 1993.

A38      Thrane PS, Halstensen TS, Haanes HR, Brandtzaeg P. Increased epithelial expression of HLA-DQ and DP molecules in salvary glands from patients with Sjögren's syndrome compared to obstructive sialadenitis. Clin Exp Immunol 92; 256-262, 1993.

A37      Nilssen DE, Aukrust P, Frøland SS, Müller F, Fausa O, Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P. Duodenal Intraepithelial g/d T cells and soluble CD8, neopterin and b2-microglobulin in serum of IgA deficient subjects with or without IgG subclass defieciency. Clin Exp Immunol 94: 91-98, 1993.

A36      Farstad IN, Halstensen TS, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Do human Peyer's patches contribute to the intestinal intraepithelial g/d T cell population?  Scand J Immunol 38: 451-458, 1993.

A35      Lundin KEA, Scott H, Hansen T, Gunnar P, Halstensen TS, Fausa O, Thorsby E, Sollid L. Gliadin-specific, HLA-DQa1*0501, b1*0201) restricted T cells isolated from the small intestinal mucosa of celiac disease patients. J Exp Med 178: 187-196, 1993

A34      Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P. Activated T lymphocytes in the celiac lesion: non-proliferative activation (CD25) of CD4+ a/ß cells in the lamina propria but proliferation (Ki-67) of a/ß and g/d cells in the epithelium. Eur J Immunol 23: 505-510, 1993.

A33      Halstensen TS, Brandzaeg P. Mucosal Complement deposition in Inflammatory Bowel disease. Can J Gastroenterol, 7: 91-101, 1993.

A32      Bjerke K, Halstensen TS, Jahnsen F, Pulford K, Brandtzaeg P. Distribution of macrophages and granulocytes expressing L1 protein (calprotectin) in human Peyer's patches compared with normal ileal lamina propria and mesenteric lymph nodes. GUT, 34: 1357-1363, 1993.

A31      Nilssen D, Halstensen TS, Frøland SS, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Distribution of duodenal Intraepithelial g/d T cells in patients with various types of primary B-cell deficiency. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 68: 301-310, 1993.

A30      Halstensen TS. Das KM, Brandtzaeg P. Epithelial deposits of immunoglobulin G1 and activated complement colocalise with the Mr 40 kD putative autoantigen in ulcerative colitis. GUT, 34: 650-657, 1993.

A29      Røger M, Halstensen TS, Høgåsen K, Mollnes TE, Solum NO, Hovig T. Platelets and Vitronectin: Immunhistochemical localization, and Platelet Interaction with Exogenously Added Vitronectin. Nov Rev Franc D'Hematol, 34: 47-54, 1992

A28      Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS, Huitfeldt H, Krajci P, Kvale D, Scott H, Thrane PS. Epithelial expression of HLA, Secretory component (Poly-Ig receptor), and adhesion molecules in the human alimentary tract. Ann NY Acad Sci, 664: 157-179, 1992.

A27      Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS. Immunology and Immunopathology of tonsils. Adv Otorhinolaryngol, 47: 64-75, 1992.

A26      Andersen R, Laerum F, Aas K, Halstensen TS, Stordahl A: Experimental colonic inflammation and ulceration: permeation of a water-soluble contrast medium asa measure of "disease activity". Scand J Gastroenterol, 27: 757-763, 1992.

A25      Halstensen TS, Farstad IN, Michaelsen TE, Scott H, Brandtzaeg P. In situ three-colour immunofluore­scence staining of mucosal T cells in coeliac disease: increase of TCRg/d+CD8- and TCRa/ß+CD8+CD45R0+ intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) and interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R)+ TCRa/ß+CD4+CD45R0+ lamina propria lymphocytes (LPL). Prog Histochem Cytochem, 26: 201-210, 1992.

A24      Halstensen TS, Mollnes TE, Garred P, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Surface epithelium-related activation of complement differs in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. GUT, 33: 902-908, 1992.

A23      Halstensen TS, Hvatum M, Scott H, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Association between subepithelial deposition of activated complement and immunoglobulin G and M response to gluten in celiac disease. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 102: 751-759, 1992.

A22      Thrane PS, Halstensen TS, Rognum TO, Brandtzaeg P. Expression of HLA class I and II (DR, DP, and DQ) determinats in fetal and postnatal salivary glands. Scand J Immunol, 34: 539-548, 1991.

A21      Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P. Local complement activation in inflammatory bowel disease Immunologic Research, 10: 485-492, 1991.

A20      Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P. Mucosal T-cell subsets in coeliac disease: expression of TCR and CD45 isoforms. Immunologic Res, 10: 493-496, 1991.

A19      Brandtzaeg P, Bengtsson U, Halstensen TS, Hvatum M, Kett K, Rognum TO, Scott H, Sollid LM. Mucosal immunology and food antigens. Biblotheca Nutritio, 1991.

A18      Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS, Kett K. Le système immunitaire muqueux dans les maladies inflammatoires intestinales (The mucosal immune system in inflammatory bowel disease). Acta Endoscopia, 21: 219-231, 1991.

A17      Semb AG, Gabrielsen TØ, Halstensen TS, Fagerhol MK, Brandtzaeg P, Vaage J. Cardiac surgery and distribution of the leucocyte L1 protein-calprotectin. Eur J Cardio-thorac Surg 5: 363-367, 1991.

A16      Brandtzaeg P, Farstad IN, Halstensen TS, Helgeland L, Hvatum M, Kett K, Krajci P, Müller F, Nilssen D, Scott H. Immune function in the normal and diseased human gut. In: Tsuchiya M, Nagura H, Hibi T, Moro I. (eds) Frontiers of Mucosal Immunology, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publisher BV, pp 29-36, 1991.

A15      Halstensen TS, Farstad IN, Scott H, Brandtzaeg P. Altered mucosal TCR and CD45 isoform expression in celiac disease. In: Tsuchiya M, Nagura H, Hibi T, Moro I. (eds) Frontiers of Mucosal Immunology, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publisher BV, pp 869-870, 1991.

A14      Brandtzaeg P, Kett K, Halstensen TS, Helgeland L. Pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease: humoral immune mechanisms. Eur J Gastro & Hepat, 2: 256-265, 1990.

A13      Halstensen TS, Farstad IN, Scott H, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Intraepithelial TcRa/ß+ lymphocytes express CD45R0 more often than the TcRg/d+ counterparts in coeliac disease. Immunology, 71: 460-466, 1990.

A12      Halstensen TS, Scott H, Brandtzaeg P. Human CD8+ intraepithelial T lymphocytes are mainly CD45RA-RB+ and show increased co-expression of CD45R0 in celiac disease. Eur J Immunol, 20: 1825-1830, 1990.

A11      Halstensen TS, Mollnes TE, Garred P, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Epithelial deposition of immunoglobulin G1 and activated complement (C3b and terminal complement complex) in ulcerative colitis. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 98: 1264-1271, 1990.

A10      Rønningen KS, Iwe T, Halstensen TS, Spurkland A, Thorsby E. The amino acid at position 57 of the HLA-DQß chain and susceptibility to develop insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Human Immunol, 26: 215-225, 1989.

A9        Halstensen TS, Scott H, Brandtzaeg P. Intraepithelial T Cells of the TcRg/d+CD8- and Vd1/Jd1+ Phenotypes are Increased in Coeliac Disease, Scand J Immunol, 30: 665-672, 1989.

A8        Brandtzaeg P, Bosnes V, Halstensen TS, Scott H, Sollid M, Valnes KN.  T lymphocytes in human gut epithelium pre­feren­tially express the a/ß antigen receptor and are often CD45/UCHL1 positive. Scand J Immunol, 30: 123-128, 1989.

 A7       Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS, Kett K, Krajci P, Kvale D, Rognum TS, Scott H, Sollid LM. Immunobiology and immunopathology of human gut mucosa. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 97: 1562-1584, 1989.

A6        Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS, Kett K, Kvale D, Rognum TS, Scott H, Sollid LM. Physiology and immunopathology of the intestinal secretory immune system. Ital J Gastroenterol, 21: 21-34, 1989.

A5        Halstensen TS, Mollnes TE, Brandtzaeg P. Persistent complement activation in submucosal blood vessels of active inflammatory bowel disease: immunohistochemical evidence. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 97: 10-19, 1989.

A4        Halstensen TS, Mollnes TE, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Deposits of terminal complement complex (TCC) in muscularis mucosae and sub­mucosal vessels in ulcera­tive colitis and crohn's disease of the colon. GUT, 30: 361-366, 1988.

A3        Halstensen TS, Mollnes TE, Garred P, Brandtzaeg P. Deposits of Terminal complement complex and S-protein on follicular dendritic cells in human lymphoid tissues, In Fossum S & Rolstad B (eds.) Histophysiology of the immune system, 237, 185-190, 1988.

 A2       Bhakdi S, Käflein R, Halstensen TS, Hugo F, Preisner K, Mollnes TE. Complement S-protein (vitronectin) is associated with cytolytic membrane-bound C5b-9 complex. Clin Exp Immunol, 74: 459-464, 1988.

A1        Halstensen TS, Mollnes TE, Brandtzaeg P. Terminal complement complex (TCC) and S-protein (Vitronectin) on follicular dendritic cells in human lymphoid tissues. Immunology, 65: 193-197, 1988.

Scientific Correspondence

L5        Jahnsen FL, Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P. Erroneous immunhistochemical application of monoclonal antibody EG2 to detect cellular activation. Lancet 344 1514-1515, 1994.

L4        Nilssen DE, Halstensen TS, Frøland SS, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Intestinal intraepithelial g/d T cells in B-cell deficiency. Immunodeficiency 4: 71-72, 1993.

L3        Halstensen TS, Hvatum M, Scott H, Fausa O, Brandtzaeg P. Association of Subepithelial Deposition of Activated Complement and Immunoglobulin G and M Response to Gluten in Celiac Disease. Gastroenterol Digest 3: 23, 1993.

L2        Halstensen TS. Complement deposition in inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology, 1990;99:1541-42.

L1        Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS, Scott H, Sollif LM, Valnes K, Bosnes V. Epithelial homing of γδ T cells? Nature 1989; 341, 113


C9       Brandtzaeg P. Halstensen TS, Hvatum M, Kvale D, Scott H. The serologic and Mucosal Immunologic Basis of Celiac disease In: Walker WA. (ed) Immunophysiology of the gut. Volum 11 of the Bristol-Mayers Squibb/Mead Johnson Nutrition Symposia, Academic Press, 295-333, 1993.

C10     Schreiber S, Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P, MacDermott RP. Immunoglobulin, Autoantobodies and Complement. In: Targan SR, Shanahan F. (eds) Inflammatory Bowel Disease: From Bench to Bedside. Williams & Wilkins pp. 89-106, 1993.

C11.    Halstensen TS, Brandtzaeg P. Phenotypic characteristics of human intaepithelial lymphocytes. In: McGhee J, Kiyono H. (eds) Mucosal immunology: Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs). Volum 9 of Gallin JI, Fauci AS (eds): Advances in Host Defence Mechanisms, Raven Press, 147-161, 1994

C8       Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS, Helgeland L: Mucosal immuno­pathology in inflammatory bowel disease. In: Hadziselimovic F, Herzog B. (eds) Paediatric Gastro-enterology: Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Morbus Hirschprung, Falk Symposium (65), Kluwer Aademic Publisher, London 1992.

C7       Brandtzaeg P. Halstensen TS, Hvatum M, Scott H. Intestinal and Systemic Immunity to food antigens in coeliac disease. In: Wütherich B. (ed) Highlights in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, Göttingen, pp. 87-92, 1992

C6       Brandtzaeg P. Halstensen TS, Kett K. Immunopathology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. In: MacDermott RP and Stenson WF. (eds) Current topics in Gastroenterology: Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Elsevier, New York. pp 95-136 1992.

C5       Brandtzaeg P. Halstensen TS, Helgeland L, Kett K. The mucosal immune system in inflammatory bowel disease. In: MacDonald TT. (ed) Immunology and Medicine (volum 19): Immunology of gastrointestinal disease. Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, pp. 19-39, 1992.

C4       Scott H, Kett K, Halstensen TS, Hvatum M, Rognum TO, Brandtzaeg P: The humoral immune system in coeliac disease. In: Marsh MN. (ed) Coeliac Disease. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 239-282, 1992

C3       Halstensen TS, Scott H, Brandtzaeg P. Intraepithelial T-cells of the TcRg/d+CD8- and Vd1/Jd1+ phenotypes are strikingly increased in coeliac disease. In: Mearin ML and Mulder CJJ. (eds) Dicke Symposium. Coeliac disease: 40 years gluten-free, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 68-72, 1991.

C2       Brandtzaeg P, Bjerke K, Halstensen TS, Hvatum M, Kett K, Kvale D, Müller F, Nilssen D, Rognum TO, Scott H, Sollid LM, Thrane P, Valnes K. Local immunity: The human mucosa in health and disease. In McDonald TT, Challacombe SJ, Bland PW, Stokes CR, Heatley RV, Mcl Mowat A. (eds) Advances in mucosal immunology, Dordrecht/Boston/London, Kluwer Academic Publisher, p. 1-12, 1990.

C1       Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS, Kett K, Rognum, TO. Local Immunopathology in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. In Järnrot G. (ed) Inflammatory Bowel Disease, New York, Raven Press, 21-35, 1987.

National articles:

NA7     Halstensen TS. Astma hos aluminiumindustriens elektrolysehall-arbeidere. Best Practice, 2016;6,

NA6     Halstensen TS. Cøliaki er mye vanligere enn du tror. Indremedisineren, 2013; 4, 28-30

NA5     Halstensen TS. Minikurs i immunologi i:, “Bruk av tannrestaureringsmaterialer i Norge” i Statens helsetilsyns utredningsserie 8-98, IK 2652; 1998, ss 229- 236

NA4     Halstensen TS. Immunologiske aspekter ved tannrestaureringsmaterialer. “Bruk av Tannrestaureringsmaterialer i Norge, Statens helsetilsyns utredningsserie (IK 2652), 1998; 8, ss 97-106.

NA3     Halstensen TS. Allergologisk rådgivning, otitt, og slimhinne vaksine. Editoriel, Tidskriftet for Norske lægeforening (Bulletin for Norwegian medical association) 1997.

NA2     Halstensen TS. Gastrointestinal allergi/matvareintoleranse, Allergologien 1996;1: 21-41

NA1     Halstensen TS. Cøliaki «is not a piece of cake» Cøliaki-nytt (News bulletin for the Norwegian coeliac association), 1996; 42: 6-11, 37



Publisert 14. aug. 2018 15:43 - Sist endret 14. aug. 2018 15:43