Future of biomaterials - seminar

The department of biomaterials invites you to a one day seminar addressing the future of biomaterials. The seminar is sponsored by EEA grant , UiO-PES2020 - Project Establishment Support (PES) for Horizon 2020 both from University of Oslo and the Norwegian Research Council

The seminar is located at Grefsen og Disen Velhus (Svetter'n).


10.00-11.00 Reception
11.00-11.30 Prof. Håvard J. Haugen, Dep.of Biomaterials, Fac. of Dentistry (UiO)
Department strategy for 2015 
11.30-12.00 Prof. S. Petter Lyngstadaas, Dean of Research, Fac. of Dentistry (UiO)
The future of biomaterials 
12:00-12:15 Group picture
12.15-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.05 Prof. Elzbieta Pamula, AGH Krakow, Poland
PLGA mico- and nanocarriers as a platform for targeted therapies in skeletal system
14.05-14.40 Associate Prof. Olafur Sigurjónsson, Reykjavik University, Iceland
Expired and pathogen inactivated platelet concentrates for expansion and differentiation of bone forming stem cells
14.40-15.00 Coffee break
15.00-15.35 Dr. Jonny Blaker, Uni. of Manchester, UK
Bioactive composite nanofibres, microspheres and macroporous foams for tissue engineering and regeneration
15.35-16.10 Dr. Mariana Ionita, Uni. Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
New porous polymer-graphene biomaterials for bone repair
16.10-16.30 Coffe break
16.30-17.00 Prof. Jiri Vondrasekh, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Intrinsically disordered proteins and their properties towards biomaterials
17.00-17.30 Dr. Reidar Lund, Dep. of Chemistry (UiO)
 Self-assembly of peptide-polymer conjugates in solution: structure, chain conformations and drug release
17.30-18.00 Closing remarks, round table discussion



Dep. of Biomaterials

Emneord: Biomaterials
Publisert 14. nov. 2014 13:17 - Sist endret 20. mars 2023 21:47