PhD Research Day (forskningsdagen)


PhD Research Day (forskningsdagen):

A Compulsory all day seminar for PhD-students at the Faculty of Dentistry :)


The PhD Research Day is an annual all-day event where all the PhD students at the faculty present for each other. This year the event will be arranged at Oslo Congress Centre, right in the middle of Oslo. There will be served lunch and some other refreshments during the day.

Your presentation does not have to be unique: The abstracts will not be published, so you can present abstracts that you plan to present at a later conference.

The arrangement is compulsory, with the exceptions of:

  • PhD candidates who started in 2011. You are still encouraged to participate and present your PhD project.
  • PhD candidates which have handed in, or will hand in, your PhD thesis in 2011.
  • If you cannot attend, please send an e-mail to with your supervisor on CC.


  • All presenters (everybody) will receive 1 ECTS credit.

Incitement prize 2011

Will be handed out to two people by the committee:

  • Odd Carsten Koldsland
  • Ellen Bruzell

Which will base their evaluation on:

  1. Your oral presentation (voice, body language, gesticulating etc.)
  2. Ability to explain complex research to the audience
  3. Your power point presentation (its clarity)
  4. Ability to communicate the importance / use of the research
  5. Quality of the abstract

Points (1+2), (3+4) and 5 each counts for one third.

  • Rewarded with 4000 NOK

"People's choice"

  • Will be handed out based on a popular vote
  • Rewarded with 2000 NOK

Chairs will be:

  • Bjørn Øgaard
  • Morten Enersen
  • Esben Østrup
  • Jessica Lönn-Stensrud


  • Shall be written as if you are sending it to a conference!
  • For instance, use IADR standard; max 300 word count and max 10 words in the title. Organized in to: objectives, methods, results, discussion.
  • Shall be sent to within the 25th of May 2011 as a PDF. Please name the file, your own name (for instance Knut Gythfeldt.pdf)
  • There will be no poster presentations this years, only oral presentations (in English)


Publisert 3. mai 2011 14:48 - Sist endret 6. apr. 2017 10:28