Training in Presentation Techniques


Training in Presentation Techniques;  

Seminar for ph.d.-students at Oslo the Faculty of Dentistry

by Psychologist Aage Støren Tøssebro


The seminar is a full day seminar, held two days in a row to double the number of participants; the 24th and 25th of Mai 2011. We're planning a real educational and fun day, and hopefully you get to use all you'll learn on Forskningsdagen. Sign up now, and let us know what day you prefer to attend. DEADLINE: 27th of April 2011

The aim of the event: 

The participants will be presented different recommendations regarding preparations, warm-up, and delivery of professional presentations. They will also get feedback on their own performance.

Preparation you need to do:

Each participant must prepare a maximum 5 minute presentation of a voluntarily chosen topic. You may use all “normal” technical aids.


Introduction to the seminar

  • “Mini-presentations” – each participant will have 2 minutes to prepare this very short presentation of themselves. Then everyone will have a maximum of 30 second presentation of themselves.
  • Who did you remember and why?
  • How trained are you in making presentations?

Preparations before the presentation:

  •   Warm up exercises.
  •   Tips and recommendations during the presentation.

Presentation by the participants:

  • Each and everyone shall make their prepared presentation follow by feed-back from their fellow ph.d-students and the seminar leaders.

Lunch (Free for participants!)

Presentation by the participants continues.

Lesson learned – highlights of the day!

Publisert 30. mars 2011 15:15 - Sist endret 22. juni 2016 13:10